J-GLOBAL ID:200901077627699582
Update date: Aug. 29, 2022 Amoh Kaoru
アモウ カオル | Amoh Kaoru
Affiliation and department: Other affiliations (1): Research field (2):
, Healthcare management, medical sociology
Research keywords (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 性的逸脱行為を繰り返す摂食障害の1例
- 多彩な自己破壊的な行動を示す摂食障害患者の行動遺伝学的研究
- Eating disorder with excessive sexual drive.
- Behavior-genetic study on a group of patierits Characterized by eating disorders and maltiple selfdestructive behaviors
Papers (2): -
AMOH Kaoru. Behavior-genetic Study on a Group of Patients Characterized by Eating Disorders and Multiple Self-destructive Behaviors. Kansai University Psychologist. 2012. 2. 79-86
AMOH Kaoru. Sexual promiscuity in adolescence. Japanese Journal of Psychiatric Treatment. 2011. 26. 6. 755-761
MISC (16): Books (6): - A子と依存症ー絶望と回復の軌跡ー
晃洋書房 2007
- 依存症の理解 -耽る女性たち
アカデミア出版社 2002
- アルコール・薬物の依存と中毒,女性のアルコール依存
精神科ケースライブラリー(]G0004[)(共著)中山書店 1998
- Female alcoholics -a case report. -
Nakayama-Shoten. Co. Ltd. 1998
- 女性アルコール症患者の予後調査
現代企画室(共著) 1988
more... Education (2): - - 1981 Osaka Medical College Faculty of Medicine
- - 1981 Osaka Medical College Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1): - Doctor of Medicine (Osaka Medical College)
Work history (2): - 2005/04 - 2011/03 Osaka University of Health and Sport Sciences School of Health and Welfare Sciences
- 1999 - 2001 Aino Gakuin College, Professor
Committee career (1): Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本摂食障害学会
, 日本嗜癖行動学会
, 日本アルコール精神医学会
, 日本心身医学会
, 日本精神神経学会
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