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J-GLOBAL ID:200901082847137708 Update date: Mar. 26, 2025

Kimizuka Hajime

キミヅカ ハジメ | Kimizuka Hajime

Papers (88)

  • Hajime Kimizuka, Shigenobu Ogata, Bo Thomsen, Motoyuki Shiga. Ab initio path-integral simulations of hydrogen-isotope diffusion in face-centred cubic metals. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2025
  • Heting Liao, Jun-Ping Du, Hajime Kimizuka, Shigenobu Ogata. Atomistic simulation of Guinier-Preston zone nucleation kinetics in Al-Cu alloys: A neural network-driven kinetic Monte Carlo approach. Computational Materials Science. 2025. 251. 113771-113771
  • Takuya Ishimoto, Naotaka Morita, Ryosuke Ozasa, Aira Matsugaki, Ozkan Gokcekaya, Shota Higashino, Masakazu Tane, Tsuyoshi Mayama, Ken Cho, Hiroyuki Y. Yasuda, et al. Superimpositional design of crystallographic textures and macroscopic shapes via metal additive manufacturing-Game-change in component design. Acta Materialia. 2025. 286. 120709-120709
  • Heting Liao, Hajime Kimizuka, Hiroshi Miyoshi, Shigenobu Ogata. Atomistic modeling of nucleation kinetics of Guinier-Preston zones in Al-Cu alloys: Two formation scenarios and prediction of the time-temperature-transformation diagram. Computational Materials Science. 2024. 242. 113069-113069
  • Motoyuki Shiga, Bo Thomsen, Hajime Kimizuka. Inelastic neutron scattering of hydrogen in palladium studied by semiclassical dynamics. Physical Review B. 2024. 109. 5
  • Hiroshi Okuda, Kohei Kintsu, Shu Kurokawa, Masao Tabuchi, Hiroaki Nitani, Hajime Kimizuka, Shin-ichi Inoue, Michiaki Yamasaki, Yoshihito Kawamura. Nanoclusters in stacking faults in Mg-Y-Zn alloys examined by small-angle X-ray scattering and extended X-ray absorption fine structure analysis. Acta Materialia. 2023. 253. 118963-118963
  • Rana Hossain, Hajime Kimizuka, Shigenobu Ogata. Asymmetry in core structure and mobility of basal dislocations in a Ti3SiC2 MAX phase: An atomistic study with machine-learned force fields. Physical Review Materials. 2023. 7. 5
  • Hyukjoon Kwon, Motoyuki Shiga, Hajime Kimizuka, Takuji Oda. Accurate description of hydrogen diffusivity in bcc metals using machine-learning moment tensor potentials and path-integral methods. Acta Materialia. 2023. 247
  • Heting Liao, Hajime Kimizuka, Hiroshi Miyoshi, Shigenobu Ogata. Origin of the nucleation preference of coherent and semicoherent nanoprecipitates in Al-Cu alloys based on atomistically informed classical nucleation theory. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2023. 938. 168559-168559
  • Hajime Kimizuka, Bo Thomsen, Motoyuki Shiga. Artificial neural network-based path integral simulations of hydrogen isotope diffusion in palladium. Journal of Physics: Energy. 2022
  • Rana Hossain, Hajime Kimizuka, Yoshinori Shiihara, Shigenobu Ogata. Core structure and Peierls barrier of basal edge dislocations in Ti3AlC2 MAX phase. Computational Materials Science. 2022. 209. 111366-111366
  • Heting Liao, Hajime Kimizuka, Akio Ishii, Jun Ping Du, Shigenobu Ogata. Nucleation kinetics of the β′′ precipitate in dilute Mg-Y alloys: A kinetic Monte Carlo study. Scripta Materialia. 2022. 210
  • Kai Guan, Mariko Egami, Daisuke Egusa, Hajime Kimizuka, Michiaki Yamasaki, Yoshihito Kawamura, Eiji Abe. Short-range order clusters in the long-period stacking/order phases with an intrinsic-I type stacking fault in Mg-Co-Y alloys. Scripta Materialia. 2022. 207
  • 君塚肇, 三好宙, 石井明男, 尾方成信. 時効硬化型アルミニウム合金におけるGuinier-Prestonゾーンの核生成の原子論的モデリング. まてりあ. 2021. 60. 8. 467-474
  • Hajime Kimizuka, Motoyuki Shiga. Two distinct non-Arrhenius behaviors of hydrogen diffusivities in fcc aluminum, silver, and copper determined by ab initio path integral simulations. Physical Review Materials. 2021. 5. 6
  • Ruxia Liu, Masakazu Tane, Hajime Kimizuka, Yuji Shirakami, Ken ichi Ikeda, Seiji Miura, Koji Morita, Tohru S. Suzuki, Yoshio Sakka, Lianmeng Zhang, et al. Elastic isotropy originating from heterogeneous interlayer elastic deformation in a Ti3SiC2 MAX phase with a nanolayered crystal structure. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2021. 41. 4. 2278-2289
  • Hiroshi Miyoshi, Hajime Kimizuka, Akio Ishii, Shigenobu Ogata. Competing nucleation of single- and double-layer Guinier-Preston zones in Al-Cu alloys. Scientific Reports. 2021. 11. 4503-1-4503-11
  • Hajime Kimizuka, Shigenobu Ogata, Motoyuki Shiga. Diffusion Mechanisms of Hydrogen in Metals Explored via Path-Integral Methods. Butsuri. 2020. 75. 8. 484-490
  • Hiroshi Miyoshi, Hajime Kimizuka, Akio Ishii, Shigenobu Ogata. Temperature-dependent nucleation kinetics of Guinier-Preston zones in Al-Cu alloys: An atomistic kinetic Monte Carlo and classical nucleation theory approach. Acta Materialia. 2019
  • Hajime Kimizuka. Controlling factors for alignment of solute clusters in magnesium alloys: A first-principles analysis. Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals. 2019. 69. 9. 471-478

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