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Co-authoring Researcher

  • Okajima Atsushi
    Kanazawa Gakuin College Department of Culture and Design
    水槽, 風洞, 数値シミュレーション, 流力振動, Water Tank, Wind Tunnel, Numerical Simulation, Flow-induced Vibration

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Article(J-GLOBAL estimation)

Patent(J-GLOBAL estimation)

J-GLOBAL ID:200901087423637508 Update date: Jul. 21, 2005

Sanada Norio

サナダ ノリオ | Sanada Norio

MISC (9)

  • 真田徳雄、木村繁男、岡島厚 坑井内二相流解析におけるドリフトフラックスモデルの適用. 日本地熱学会誌、pp.369-378, 1999年
  • 真田徳雄、倉田良明、南條弘、池内準、木村繁男 高流速の酸性地熱流体中における材料腐食. ニュージーランド地熱ワークショップ、pp.121-126, 1998
  • 真田徳雄、倉田良明、キース・リヒティ 深部地熱用材料の開発. 米国地熱資源会議、Vol.21, pp.317-324, 1997
  • Sanada, N., Kurata, Y., and Lichti, K.A., Valuation and Development of Deep geothermal Resources. Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, Vol.21, pp.317-324, 1997
  • Sanada, N., Kurata, Y., Nanjou, H., Ikeuchi, J., and Kimura, S., Corrosion in Acidic Geothermal Flows High Velocity. Proc. 20th NZ Geothermal Workshop, pp.121-126, 1998
  • Sanada, N., Kimura, S., and Okajima, A., Application of Draft-Flux Model for Computer Simulation of Two-Phase Flows in Welbore. J. Geothermal Research Society of Japan, Vol.21-4, pp.369-378, 1999
  • Sanada, N., Kurata, Y., and Lichti, K.A., Valuation and Development of Deep geothermal Resources. Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, Vol.21, pp.317-324, 1997
  • Sanada, N., Kurata, Y., Nanjou, H., Ikeuchi, J., and Kimura, S.,Corrosion in Acidic Geothermal Flows High Velocity. Proc. 20th NZ Geothermal Workshop, pp.121-126, 1998
  • Sanada, N., Kimura, S. and Okajima, A Application of Draft-Flux Model for Computer Simulation of Two-Phase Flows in Welbore. J. Geothermal Research Society of Japan, Vol.21-4, pp.369-378, 1999

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