Osaka University Institute for Higher Education Research and Practice, Institute for Higher Edication Reseach and Practice, Osaka University
ニュートリノ, レプトン, フォーク, neutrino, lepton, quark
Chubu University College of Engineering, Department of Basic Engineering Education
教育工学, 計算機科学, 電子デバイス・機器工学, Educational Engineering, Computer Science, Electron Devices and Apparatus Engineering
The Transition and Problems of Physics Education in Liberal Arts-The investigation of the Preset University Physics Education in Japan (]G0007[)-. 2001. 56-1-2. 341
Problems of the New Curriculum-On the Tendencies by Fields of Study-The investigation of the Present University Physics Education in Japan (]G0006[)-. 2001. 56-1-2. 341
The Transition and Problems of Introductory Physics Laboratory Education-The investigation of the Present University Physics Education in Japan (]G0005[)-. 2001. 56-1-2. 341
The Transition and Problems of Physics Education in Medical and Health care Related Departments-The investigation of the Present University Physics Education in Japan (]G0004[)-. 2001. 56-1-2. 340
The Transition and Problems of Physics Education in Departments on Engineering-The investigation of the Present University Physics Education in Japan(]G0003[)-. 2001. 56-1-2. 340
The Transition and Problems of Physics Education in Science Departments-The investigation of the Present University Physics Education in Japan(]G0002[)-. 2001. 56-1-2. 340
The Map of Various Fields of Teaching Related Physics Education in University-The investigation of the Present University Physics Education in Japan(]G0001[)-. 2001. 56-1-2. 340