J-GLOBAL ID:200901091445468367
Update date: Sep. 26, 2024 Tokizaki Hisao
トキザキ ヒサオ | Tokizaki Hisao
- Hisao Tokizaki, Yasutomo Kuwana. The order of OVX and the argument-adjunct distinction. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America. 2024. 9. 1. 5708
- Yasutomo Kuwana, Hisao Tokizaki. The ordering of obliques and adpositional elements. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America. 2023. 8. 1. 5495-5495
- 時崎久夫. 前置と主語(助)動詞倒置. 日本英文学会第95回大会(2023年度)Proceedings. 2023
- Tokizaki, Hisao. We ‘Hear’ the Structure Our Mind Creates. Phonological Externalization. 2023. 8. 87-96
- 時崎久夫, 編著者, 小川 芳樹, 中山 俊秀. 英語における動詞と副詞の語順の変化. コーパスからわかる言語変化・変異と言語理論. 2022. 287-301
- Tokizaki, Hisao. Stress and word order in Asian languages with reference to the Linguistic Atlas of Asia. Studies in Geolinguistics. 2022. 2. 102-121
- Borrowing, stress shift and word order change in the history of English. 2022. 7. 59-79
- Stress and pitch accent in Japanese word prosody. 2022. 7. 27-35
- Tokizaki, Hisao. Parameters in phonology and morphosyntax. 音韻研究. 2022. 25. 133-142
- 時崎 久夫. なぜ英語は主語と助動詞を倒置するのか. 英文学研究 支部統合号. 2022. 14. 5-15
- Tokizaki, Hisao. Prosody and separable/inseparable verbs in German. Phonological Externalization. 2021. 7. 1-11
- Alliteration and the Holistic Typology of Japanese,. 2021. 54-62
- Hisao Tokizaki. Externalization and morphosyntactic parameters in Basque. Fontes Linguae Vasconum 50 urte. Ekarpen berriak euskararen ikerketari / Nuevas aportaciones al estudio de la lengua. 2020. 547-560
- Hisao Tokizaki. Recursive strong assignment from phonology to syntax. Morpheme-internal Recursion in Phonology. 2020. 383-408
- A prosodic constraint on pronominal modification. in Gerrit Kentner and Joost Kremers (eds.) Prosody in Syntactic Encoding. (Linguistische Arbeiten, vol. 573). 2020. 245-264
- Tokizaki Hisao. Verb-Second and Initial-Weak Prosody. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2020 25-28 May 2020, Tokyo, Japan. 2020. 371-375
- Hisao Tokizaki. Is the mapping to PHON complex?. Phonological Externalization. 2020. 5. 25-39
- Word order change, stress shift and Old French loanwords in Middle English. Studies in Linguistic Variation and Change 3: Corpus-based Research in English Syntax and Lexis. 2020. 111-132
- TOKIZAKI Hisao. Word-Stress Location and the Order of Subject and Verb: Preliminary Data Analysis. Phonological Externalization. 2019. 4. 105-114
- TOKIZAKI Hisao. Word stress, pitch accent, and word order typology with special reference to Altaic. The study of word stress and accent: Theories, methods and data. 2019. 187-223
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