Teru Nabetani, Koh Noda, Hidetoshi Shibata, Ryoichi Mituzono. An attempt to measurement of the dynamic balance ability in preschool children using the balance walk test. 2022. 4. 17-24
Teru Nabetani, Kae Hata, Sotaro Ozu, Yuko Hamasaki, Mayumi Tomita, Naoko Sonoda. Current status and issues of child developmental support in pediatric wards : A case study on the employment and human resources of childcare workers. 2020. 2. 2. 19-33
NABETANI Teru. Changes in “fun” and “embarrassment” by acquiring diverse movement in playing activity : Focusing on students in the early childhood education curriculum. 2019. 1. 1. 11-18
NABETANI Teru, KURIHARA Takuya. An Interview Survey on the Current Situation and Problem for Sports Activities of Intellectually Disabled Person. 2018. 16. 171-179
NABETANI Teru. A practical study of expression teaching method in nursery teacher training course: Focusing on the physical expression by active learning. 2018. 9-21
NABETANI Teru, MIYAJIMA Ikue, HASHIMOTO Masaru. Developments of short versions of RSES: Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. 2015. 13. 141-146
千葉 義信, 鍋谷 照, 植屋 清見. The relation between lifestyle habits and running ability of schoolboys in Northeast Thailand : A focus on the relation between exercise frequency and ability to perform the 50m dash. 帝京科学大学紀要 = Bulletin of Teikyo University of Science. 2014. 10. 63-68
NABETANI Teru, MIYAJIMA Ikue, HASHIMOTO Masaru. The relationship between body-image and self-esteem in female university students. 2014. 12. 133-140
NABETANI Teru, MIYAJIMA Ikue, HASHIMOTO Masaru. The difference of physique cognition using silhouette method. 2013. 11. 183-192
NABETANI Teru, CHIBA Yoshinobu. The area differences in estimated percent fat in Cambodian children: focus on from age 7 to 15 years boys. 2012. 10. 153-158