Arf GTPase-Activating proteins ADAP1 and ARAP1 regulate incorporation of CD63 in multivesicular bodies. (The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Cell Biology (JSCB) 2024)
Evaluation of endosomal membrane damage with magnetic nanoparticles (2024)
Determine the ArfGAPs involved in the transport of CD63, the marker of extracellular vesicles (The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Cell Biology (JSCB) 2023)
Study of membrane damage of endosome by magnetic nanoparticles (The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Cell Biology (JSCB)) 2023)
Determine the role of SMAP1 in WPB degradation in endothelial cells (The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Cell Biology (JSCB) 2023)
Membrane traffic in Post Golgi; role of ArfGAPs and membrane damage of organelles (Trilateral Conference on Malaysia, Japan and Taiwan 2023)
The post-Golgi membrane traffic, the role of ArfGAPs and membrane damage (National Chiayi University, Taiwan 2023)
Identification of ArfGAPs involved in the formation of exo- somes (2022)