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J-GLOBAL ID:200902061355982344   Reference number:91A0168585

Studies of virus structure by Raman spectroscopy. 32. Cysteine conformation and sulfhydryl interactions in proteins and viruses. 1. Correlation of theRaman S-H band with hydrogen bonding and intramolecular geometry in model compounds.

蛋白質とウイルスにおけるシステイン立体配座とSH基相互作用 1 水素結合を有するRaman S-H帯の相互関係とモデル化合物における分子内ジオメトリー
Author (2):
Volume: 113  Issue:Page: 456-462  Publication year: Jan. 16, 1991 
JST Material Number: C0254A  ISSN: 0002-7863  CODEN: JACSAT  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: United States (USA)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)
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Molecular structure 

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