J-GLOBAL ID:200902159683450821   Reference number:99A0923763

Experimental sutdy on prediction of building surface concentration profiles by empirical formulas in case that the tracer sources are located inside the cavity regions of twin high-rise buildings or an isolated high-rise building.

Author (1):
Issue: 523  Page: 53-61  Publication year: Sep. 30, 1999 
JST Material Number: Y0894A  ISSN: 1340-4210  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Architectural environment in general  ,  Air pollution in general 
Reference (13):
  • 1) 空気調和 衛生工学会. 都市ガスによるコージェネレーションシステム計画 設計と評価. 丸善. (1994)
  • 2) 北林. 高層ビル吹き付け汚染予測モデルの開発. 第35回大気汚染学会講演要旨集. (1994) vol.270,
  • 3) THOMPSON R. Building amplification factors for sources near buildings A windtunnel study. Atmos. Environ..
  • 4) 宮本. 障害物周りの排気拡散における風洞実験とCFDの比較. 第39回大気環境学会年会講演要旨集. (1998) vol.424,
  • 5) ENERGY U. S. Atmospheric Science and Power Production. NTIS. (1984) p.241-326.

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