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J-GLOBAL ID:200902205319712634   Reference number:06A0050631

Exercise Capacity of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Patient and Relation to Knee Extension Muscle Strength

Author (9):
Volume: 20  Issue:Page: 267-272  Publication year: Nov. 20, 2005 
JST Material Number: X0283A  ISSN: 1341-1667  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Clinical medicine on musculoskeletal system in general 
Reference (17):
  • 1) 山崎裕司:高齢心筋梗塞患者の下肢筋力と筋力トレーニング.体力科学,1999,48:559-568.
  • 2) 後藤葉一,櫻木 悟,安村良男・他:左室機能低下患者における運動耐容能の規定因子.心臓,2001, 33 (Suppl 2): 37-39.
  • 3) Borg GA: Psychophysical bases of perceived exertion. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 1982, 14: 377-381.
  • 4) 八並光信,上迫道代,小宮山一樹・他:骨髄移植の持久力に関する検討,理学療法学(第38回日本理学療法学術大会抄録),2003, 30:142.
  • 5) Taylor HL, Henschel A, Brozek J, et al.: Effect of bed rest on cardiovascular function and work performance. J Appl Physiol, 1949, 2: 223-239.
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