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J-GLOBAL ID:200902283806951483   Reference number:08A0012300


Author (3):
Issue: 58  Page: 25-29  Publication year: Dec. 14, 2007 
JST Material Number: F0809A  ISSN: 0368-623X  CODEN: KNBKAY  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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On J-GLOBAL, this item will be available after more than half a year after the record posted. In addtion, medical articles require to login to MyJ-GLOBAL.

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Plant diseases caused by fungi  ,  Rice cropping 
Reference (10):
  • 畑中教子・畑谷みどり・笹原剛志 (2006) 日植病報73: 50-51 (講要).
  • 原澤良栄。小潟慶司・堀 武志・小林 隆・石黒潔 (2000) 日植病報66: 107 (講要).
  • 早坂 剛・石黒清秀・渋谷圭治・生井恒雄 (2001) 日植病報67: 26-32.
  • 林かずよ・小山 淳・石川志保・城所 隆 (2002) 宮城古川農試報3: 137-147.
  • 石黒 潔・小林 隆・中島 隆・兼松誠司 (1998) 日植病報64: 613-614 (講要).
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