J-GLOBAL ID:201101003533232111
Update date: Mar. 03, 2025 Tabata Keisuke
タバタ ケイスケ | Tabata Keisuke
Lectures and oral presentations (25)
(【第16回オートファジー研究会・国際先導研究リトリート】(共催) 2024) -
ULK1 palmitoylation by ZDHHC13 is required for autophagy
(2022) -
ULK1 palmitoylation by ZDHHC13 is required for autophagy
(2022) -
Convergent use of phosphatidic acid for Hepatitis C virus and SARS-CoV-2 replication organelle formation
(2021) -
Phosphatidic acid mediates double membrane vesicle formation in virus infection and selective autophagy
(2020) -
Perturbation of autophagy and intracellular lipids by hepatitis C virus - implication for liver cancer development.
(International Liver Cancer Research Conference 2020 2020) -
Hepatitis C virus exploits cyclophilin A to evade PKR- and IRF1-dependent antiviral responses.
(2020) -
Identification of host cell factors involved in hepatitis C virus replication.
(35th Annual Conference of the GASL 2019 2019) -
Cellular and viral determinants of the hepatitis C virus replication and assembly compartment.
(ransregional Collaborative Research Centre 83 2018) -
Cellular and viral determinants of the hepatitis C virus replication and assembly compartment.
(Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 83 2017) -
Role of autophagy in the formation of double-membrane vesicles in HCV-infected cells.
(23rd International Symposium on Hepatitis C Virus and Related Viruses 2016) -
Involvement of ESCRT factors in Flavivirus propagation.
(The Ins and Outs of Viral Infection: Entry, Exit, and Spread, Keystone Symposium 2014) -
(2013) -
ESCRT factors are required for flavivirus propagation on endoplasmic reticulum
(2013) -
(第20回トガ・フラビ・ペスチウイルス研究会 2013) -
Involvement of ESCRT factors in flavivirus replication
(2013) -
(新学術領域研究「細胞内ロジスティクス」班会議 in 札幌 2010) -
Rubicon family negatively regulates the endocytic pathway through the interaction with Rab7
(2010) -
Rubicon family negatively regulates the endocytic pathway through the interaction with Rab7
(2010) -
(細胞内ロジスティクス班会議 2009)
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