J-GLOBAL ID:201101034249678900
Update date: Nov. 29, 2020 Nilep Chad
ナイレップ ダグラス チャド | Nilep Chad
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Designated associate professor
Homepage URL (1): http://www.ilas.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~nilep/ Research field (3):
Education - general
, English linguistics
, Linguistics
Research keywords (2):
, Linguistic anthropology
Papers (14): -
Nilep, Chad. Code mixing and code switching. International Encyclopedia of Linguistic Anthropology. 2019
Nilep, Chad. Promises, lies, and bullshit: The role of intent. Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan. 2017. 277-280
Nilep, Chad. Analyzing Distinct Varieties of Plagiarism. NU Ideas. 2017. 6. 91-99
Kira HALL, Chad NILEP. Code-switching, Identity, and Globalization. Handbook of Discourse Analysis (second edition). 2015. 597-619
- Nilep, Chad. Ideologies of language at Hippo Family Club. Pragmatics. 2015. 24. 2
more... MISC (14): -
Nilep, Chad. Code mixing and code switching. International Encyclopedia of Linguistic Anthropology. 2019
Nilep, Chad. Promises, lies, and bullshit: The role of intent. Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan. 2017. 277-280
Nilep, Chad. Analyzing Distinct Varieties of Plagiarism. NU Ideas. 2017. 6. 91-99
Kira HALL, Chad NILEP. Code-switching, Identity, and Globalization. Handbook of Discourse Analysis (second edition). 2015. 597-619
- Nilep, Chad. Ideologies of language at Hippo Family Club. Pragmatics. 2015. 24. 2
more... Books (4): - Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Academic Writing and Critical Thinking
NU Ideas 2017
- Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Academic Writing and Critical Thinking
NU Ideas 2015
- Proceedings of the Symposium on Academic Writing and Critical Thinking
NU Ideas 2013
- Discourse, War and Terrorism
John Benjamins 2007 ISBN:9789027206244
Lectures and oral presentations (14): -
Promises, Lies, and Bullshit: The Role of Intent
(20th Annual meeting of Pragmatic Society of Japan 2017)
Analyzing distinct varieties of plagiarism
(Third International Symposium on Academic Writing and Critical Thinking 2017)
What the heck is wrong with plagiarism?
(Nagoya University Writing Center Open Workshops 2016)
On bullshitology: The history of `women's language' and the future of `pseudo-profound bullshit'
(International Gender and Language Association 2016)
Teaching Language and Culture: Approaches from World Anthropologies
(American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting 2015)
more... Works (5): -
Society for Lingustic Anthropology Digital Content Editor
2011 - 2016
Linguistic Anthropology blog
2009 - 2016
Book review: Gossip and the Everyday Production of Politics by Niko Besnier
2010 -
Book review: Language and Education in Japan by Yasuko Kanno
2008 -
Book review: Negotiation of Contingent Talk by Emi Morita
2007 -
Professional career (2): - PhD (コロラド大学)
- PhD (University of Colorado, Boulder, Department of Linguistics)
Work history (1): - 2010/10/01 - 現在 Nagoya University Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences Education Planning & Development Center Designated associate professor
Association Membership(s) (5):
International Gender and Language Association
, Linguistics Society of America
, Pragmatics Society of Japan
, Society for Linguistic Anthropology
, American Anthropological Association
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