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J-GLOBAL ID:201101034249678900 Update date: Nov. 29, 2020

Nilep Chad

ナイレップ ダグラス チャド | Nilep Chad

Lectures and oral presentations (14)

  • Promises, Lies, and Bullshit: The Role of Intent
    (20th Annual meeting of Pragmatic Society of Japan 2017)
  • Analyzing distinct varieties of plagiarism
    (Third International Symposium on Academic Writing and Critical Thinking 2017)
  • What the heck is wrong with plagiarism?
    (Nagoya University Writing Center Open Workshops 2016)
  • On bullshitology: The history of `women's language' and the future of `pseudo-profound bullshit'
    (International Gender and Language Association 2016)
  • Teaching Language and Culture: Approaches from World Anthropologies
    (American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting 2015)
  • What is plagiarism, and why is it a problem?
    (Nagoya University Writing Center Open Workshops 2014)
  • Beyond speaker intent: Polyphony in political promising
    (111th Annual Meeting, American Anthropological Association 2012)
  • Metaphorical Promising: Joint construction of political speech
    (Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan 2011)
  • Group play and public education: Hippo Family Club's critique of language learning in Japan.
    (109th Annual Meeting, American Anthropological Association 2010)
  • Play in Language Learning and Language Socialization
    (109th Annual Meeting, American Anthropological Association 2010)
  • 'Transnational' Citizenship: Practices of language learning among Hippo Family Club members in two nation-states.
    (108th Annual Meeting, American Anthropological Association 2009)
  • Marketing international fellowship: Foreign-language learning in Japan and the US
    (106th Annual Meeting, American Anthropological Association 2007)
  • Language, learning, and globalization: Interdisciplinary investigation of foreign language learners
    (CLASP Interdisciplinary Conference on Culture, Language and Social Practice 2007)
  • Local practices of global language learning: Hippo Family Club in Japan and the United States
    (Language and Globalization: Policy, Education and Media 2007)

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