J-GLOBAL ID:201103064853592031


Applicant, Patent owner:
Agent (4): ポレール特許業務法人 ,  小川 勝男 ,  田中 恭助 ,  佐々木 孝
Gazette classification:特許公報
Application number (International application number):2004037746
Publication number (International publication number):2005224748
Patent number:4246648
Application date: Feb. 16, 2004
Publication date: Aug. 25, 2005
Claim (excerpt):
IPC (4):
C02F 11/00 ( 200 6.01) ,  C09K 17/02 ( 200 6.01) ,  C01B 39/02 ( 200 6.01) ,  C09K 101/00 ( 200 6.01)
FI (4):
C02F 11/00 C ,  C09K 17/02 H ,  C01B 39/02 ,  C09K 101:00
Patent cited by the Patent:
Cited by applicant (8)
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Cited by examiner (8)
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