J-GLOBAL ID:201301065748050901
Update date: Dec. 23, 2024 Takahara Terunao
Takahara Terunao
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (1):
Applied molecular and cellular biology
Research keywords (5):
, Amino acids
, Cellular signal transduction
, Calcium
, Nutrients
Research theme for competitive and other funds (9): - 2024 - 2028 アミノ酸代謝フロー変化による脂肪蓄積メカニズムの解明
- 2022 - 2025 Ca2+シグナルによる動物細胞成長制御メカニズムの解明
- 2020 - 2023 Elucidation of physiological functions of EF-hand protein ALG-2 in lysosomal membrane damage response
- 2017 - 2020 Analysis of intracellular signaling pathway regulated by amino acids
- 2017 - 2020 Elucidation of physiological functions of the EF-hand protein ALG-2 as a calcium-stress response factor
- 2015 - 2018 Elucidation and application of regulatory mechanisms underlying biogenesis of transport vesicles budding from the endoplasmic reticulum
- 2015 - 2017 Analysis of cellular signal transduction by amino acids via intracellular Ca2+ rise
- 2014 - 2017 Mechanism of calcium-response regulation of EF-hand protein ALG-2 in the nucleus and membranes
- 2013 - 2015 Regulatory mechanism of adipocyte differentiation by PLSCR3 mediated by extracellularly secreted vesicle exosomes
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Papers (41): -
Yuna Amemiya, Yuichiro Ioi, Makoto Araki, Kenji Kontani, Masatoshi Maki, Hideki Shibata, Terunao Takahara. Calmodulin enhances mTORC1 signaling by preventing TSC2-Rheb binding. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2024. 108122-108122
Ryuta Inukai, Kanako Mori, Masatoshi Maki, Terunao Takahara, Hideki Shibata. Cytoprotective Role of Autophagy in CDIP1 Expression-Induced Apoptosis in MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells. International journal of molecular sciences. 2024. 25. 12
Yuna Amemiya, Masatoshi Maki, Hideki Shibata, Terunao Takahara. New Insights into the Regulation of mTOR Signaling via Ca2+-Binding Proteins. International journal of molecular sciences. 2023. 24. 4
Yuna Amemiya, Nao Nakamura, Nao Ikeda, Risa Sugiyama, Chiaki Ishii, Masatoshi Maki, Hideki Shibata, Terunao Takahara. Amino Acid-Mediated Intracellular Ca2+ Rise Modulates mTORC1 by Regulating the TSC2-Rheb Axis through Ca2+/Calmodulin. International journal of molecular sciences. 2021. 22. 13
Ryuta Inukai, Kanako Mori, Keiko Kuwata, Chihiro Suzuki, Masatoshi Maki, Terunao Takahara, Hideki Shibata. The novel ALG-2 target protein CDIP1 promotes cell death by interacting with ESCRT-I and VAPA/B. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021. 22. 3. 1-25
more... MISC (31): -
尾関希美, 中山菜月, 松下明理, ZHENG Guangjie, 牧正敏, 高原照直, 柴田秀樹. Analysis of the interaction between PRRC1, a novel ER exit site localization protein, and COPII. 日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web). 2023. 2023
森花菜子, 川野琢己, 牧正敏, 柴田秀樹, 高原照直. Role of ESCRT-III proteins IST1 and LIP5/VTA1 in the lysosomal damage response. 日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web). 2023. 2023
天野柊吾, 林本敬大, 船戸聖音, 牧正敏, 高原照直, 柴田秀樹. Analysis of the intracellular dynamics of annexin A11 mutants associated with ALS. 日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web). 2023. 2023
雨宮優奈, 池田奈央, 牧正敏, 柴田秀樹, 高原照直. Ca2+/Calmodulin modulates mTORC1 activity by disrupting TSC2-Rheb interaction. 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web). 2023. 46th
正田駆, 石井千愛, 牧正敏, 柴田秀樹, 高原照直. Insulin receptor substrate 4 is a novel modulator of the amino acids-sensing mTORC1 pathway. 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web). 2023. 46th
more... Books (1): - mTORシグナル シグナル伝達キーワード事典
羊土社 2012
Lectures and oral presentations (1): -
TORC1 regulation mediated by stress granule formation upon heat stress
Education (2): - 1998 - 2003 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of General Culture
- 1994 - 1998 Tokyo Institute of Technology Faculty of Life Science and Engineering
Professional career (1): Work history (5): - 2018/09/01 - 現在 Nagoya University Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences Lecturer
- 2018/04/01 - 2018/08/31 Nagoya University Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences Assistant Professor
- 2013/04/01 - 2018/03/31 Nagoya University Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences Department of Applied Molecular Biosciences Division of Applied Biochemistry Assistant Professor
- 2008/04/01 - 2011/03/31 日本学術振興会特別研究員PD
- 2002/04/01 - 2004/03/31 日本学術振興会特別研究員DC2
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本生化学会
, 日本農芸化学会
, 日本分子生物学会
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