Development and Practice of Cross Curriculum Ridden on the Characteristics of Science, Music and Art and Handicraft : Focus on Hearing "Sound" in the Life Environment Studies. 2019. 6. 65-72
Use of Animals in Higher Elementary School Science Classes in the Middle Years of Meiji Period : A Study Based on Teaching Details for Elementary School Science and Student's Alternative Note for Elementary School Science. 2018. 5. 91-100
An Anatomy's View of the Ordinary Elementary School Science Teaching Book from the Latter Taisho Era to the Early Showa Era : as a Case of Shinano Education. 2017. 4. 73-78
Tanaka Hajime, Suzuki Tetsuya. A Study on the Interdisciplinary Knowledge and Understanding of Chemistry and Biology Among Freshmen Specializing in Science Education at Shumei University. Tokyo Future University bulletin. 2017. 10. 0. 239-246
Suzuki Tetsuya. Use of Animals in Higher Elementary School Science Classes in the Middle Years of the Meiji Period:A Study Based on Analysis of Teachersʼ Manual for a New Science Course at Elementary Schools. Tokyo Future University bulletin. 2017. 10. 0. 221-228
Suzuki Tetsuya. Animal Use of Higher Elementary School Science in the Middle Meiji era (1):Analysis of Teaching Plans included in Historical Materials of KAICHI School. Tokyo Future University bulletin. 2016. 9. 0. 225-233
Tanaka Hajime, Suzuki Tetsuya. Image of Chemistry for New Students in a Course of Science, Department of Education. Tokyo Future University bulletin. 2016. 9. 0. 235-244
Kobayashi Kumi, Suzuki Tetsuya, Kiuchi Naoko. Issues of Elementary Schools Teacher Training Course for Environmental Education:Based on a Survey of Elementary School Teachers. Tokyo Future University bulletin. 2016. 9. 0. 43-51
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