J-GLOBAL ID:201401040140745880
Update date: Mar. 06, 2025 Otani Yoshitaka
オオタニ ヨシタカ | Otani Yoshitaka
- Maho Uemura, Yoshitada Katagiri, Emiko Imai, Yasuhiro Kawahara, Yoshitaka Otani, Tomoko Ichinose, Katsuhiko Kondo, Hisatomo Kowa. Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex Coordinates Contextual Mental Imagery for Single-Beat Manipulation during Rhythmic Sensorimotor Synchronization. Brain Sciences. 2024
- Yoshitaka Otani, Osamu Aoki. Fear-related Visual Stimuli Do Not Promote Internal Focus of Attention in Older Adults. Gait & Posture. 2024. 108. 70-76
- Yoshitaka Otani, Yoshitada Katagiri, Emiko Imai, Hisatomo Kowa. Action-rule-based cognitive control enables efficient execution of stimulus-response conflict tasks: a model validation of Simon task performance. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2023. 17
- Saki Nagato, Daisuke Takano, Yoshifumi Nanba, Yoshitaka Otani, Teruhiko Takata. The Effect of Pressure Stimulation at the Acupoint GB21 (Acupuncture points) on Elasticity of Trapezius Upper Fibers. Kobe International University Journal of The Institute for Rehabilitation Studies. 2022. 13. 31-36
- Aoki O, Otani Y, Morishita S. Immediate changes in anticipatory muscle activity after unexpected muscle contraction training. Translational Sports Medicine. 2020. 3. 60. 574-580
- Osamu Aoki, Yoshitaka Otani, Shinichiro Morishita. Effect of Eye-Object Distance on Body Sway during Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation. Brain Sciences. 2018. 8. 11. 191-191
- 井上 由里, 大谷 啓尊, 上杉 雅之, 武政 誠一. 思春期女子サッカー選手の発達ステージと身体能力の特性. 神戸国際大学リハビリテーション研究. 2018. 9. 11-17
- 東部 晃久, 柴垣 圭佑, 芦田 伸二郎, 藤本 昂司, 塚本 天成, 大谷 啓尊. Effects of Perceived Velocity of Optic Flow on Step Length During Treadmill Walking. 神戸国際大学リハビリテーション研究. 2017. 8. 11-18
- Osamu Aoki, Yoshitaka Otani, Shinichiro Morishita, Kazuhisa Domen. The effects of various visual conditions on trunk control during ambulation in chronic post stroke patients. GAIT & POSTURE. 2017. 52. 301-307
- Yuri Inoue, Yoshitaka Otani, Seiichi Takemasa. Comparison of physical activities of female football players in junior high school and high school. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2017. 29. 8. 1352-1356
- Yoshitaka Otani, Osamu Aoki, Tomohiro Hirota, Hiroshi Ando. Lower Trunk Acceleration Signals Reflect Fall Risk During Walking. IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS. 2016. E99D. 6. 1482-1484
- 井上 由里, 上杉 雅之, 奥宮 明子, 小枝 英輝, 小門 陽, 小林 俊博, 武政 誠一, 村上 雅仁, 泉水 朝貴, 後藤 誠, et al. 臨床実習に対する不安の緩和を目的としたオリター相談会の効果 アンケート調査の結果から. 神戸国際大学リハビリテーション研究. 2016. 7. 19-27
- 成瀬 進, 井上 由里, 上杉 雅之, 奥宮 明子, 小枝 英輝, 小門 陽, 小林 俊博, 武政 誠一, 村上 雅仁, 泉水 朝貴, et al. オリター相談会の効果と今後の課題(第2報) 自由記述アンケートの結果から. 神戸国際大学リハビリテーション研究. 2016. 7. 29-34
- 井上由里, 南場芳文, 大谷啓尊, 成瀬進, 後藤誠, 上杉雅之. Influence of Agility for Jumping Ability, Sprinting and Balance in Junior High and High School Female Soccer Players. 神戸国際大学リハビリテーション研究. 2016. 7. 3-8
- Yuri Inoue, Yoshitaka Otania, Susumu Naruse, Makoto Goto, Yoshihumi Nanba, Yusuke Kashiwa. Relationships between lower-extremity muscle strength and the modified star excursion balance test in adolescent female soccer players. Rigakuryoho Kagaku. 2016. 30. 6. 853-856
- 井上由里, 成瀬進, 後藤誠, 南場芳文, 大谷啓尊, 柏裕介. 中高生女子サッカー選手の片脚立位動的バランスと下肢筋力の関係. 体力科学. 2015. 64. 6. 720
- Aoki O, Otani Y, Morishita S, Domen K. Effects of viewing distance and head flexion on postural control during one and two-legged stance. Int J Physiother Res. 2015. 3. 5. 1215-1220
- Masayuki Uesugi, Akira Miyamoto, Yosifumi Nanba, Yoshitaka Otani, Seiichi Takemasa, Shun Fujii. Relationships between problematic behaviors and motor abilities of children with cerebral palsy. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2015. 27. 9. 2963-2964
- 井上 由里, 上杉 雅之, 奥宮 明子, 小枝 英輝, 小門 陽, 小林 俊博, 武政 誠一, 村上 雅仁, 泉水 朝貴, 後藤 誠, et al. オリター相談会の効果と今後の課題について アンケート調査の結果から. 神戸国際大学リハビリテーション研究. 2015. 6. 35-42
- OTANI YOSHITAKA, AOKI OSAMU, HIROTA TOMOHIRO, INOUE YURI, UESUGI MASAYUKI, NAMBA YOSHIFUMI, KOKADO AKIRA, FUJII SHUN, MURAKAMI MASAHITO, KATO JUN'ICHI. The Comparison of Whole Trunk Movement During Gait Between Post-stroke Hemiplegic Patients and Healthy Older People. 神戸国際大学リハビリテーション研究. 2015. 6. 17-24
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