Mate behavior and sexual conflict in simultaneously hermaphroditic land snails (Shinshu University Biology Seminar 2014)
恋矢で刺されたカタツムリは交尾できなくなる!? (日本貝類学会H26年度大会 2014)
カタツムリの恋矢は第2の殻か? (日本生態学会第61回大会 2014)
陸産貝類における雄性付属腺分泌物と感覚便乗 (日本生態学会第61回大会 2014)
Reproductive strategies and post-copulatory sexual selection in hermaphroditic land snails (Annual meeting of the Japan Ethological Society 2013 2013)
Effect of mating history of a mating partner on reproductive resource allocation in molluscs (Joint conference of the Plankton Society of Japan and the Benthos Society of Japan 2013 2013)
Mate manipulation and sexual conflict in simultaneously hermaphroditic land snails (Annual meeting of the Society of Evolutionary Studies, Japan 2013 2013)