J-GLOBAL ID:201410096552126246
Research Resource code:NBDC00269
Update date:Mar. 14, 2016
FIDD: The Frequency of Inherited Disorders Database
FIDD: The Frequency of Inherited Disorders Database
Owning Organization:
Cardiff University School of Medicine
Resource classification:
Tag (subject) (1):
Tag (data type) (1):
Species (1):
Homo sapiens (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 9606)
FIDD (Frequency of Inherited Disorders Database) belongs to the Institute of Medical genetics at the Cardiff University School of Medicine.
This database provides information about the frequency of human Mendelian disorders and how widespread these diseases occur.
The site was created for the purpose of use in medical research and the study of epidemiological occurrences in order to establish genetic service delivery.
FIDD contains a total of 1580 records of human genetic disorders listed in 14 groups related to the organ, body system or biological function affected.
There are 280 disorders that are covered, and of them 109 are autosomal dominant, 136 are autosomal recessive and 35 are X-linked.
There are 969 articles, which have been published in 215 journals, a variety of 119 books, 9 doctoral theses and 22 reports that were scrutinized to obtain the information available in this repository.
The results reveal 24 cardiac disorders, 34 endocrine disorders and 44 disorders of the eye. It also contains information on 31 disorders of the gastrointestinal system, 353 hematological anomalies and 22 disorders causing mental handicaps. A total of 234 disorders of the metabolic system and 588 affecting the neurological and neuromuscular systems are described, and 3 psychiatric disorders, 35 of the renal system and 25 respiratory disorders are also covered. The information content also include 72 disorders of the skeletal and craniofacial group, 46 skin anomalies and 69 disorders that could not be allocated to a specific body system.
A keyword search option is available whereby information can be retrieved by entering the body system, disease, population or OMIM number in question.
Record maintainer:
Integbio Database Catalog
Record license:
Creative Commons CC0 license
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