J-GLOBAL ID:201410099597416449
Research Resource code:NBDC00141
Update date:Dec. 10, 2018 NBRP Morning glory: National BioResource Project Morning glory
アサガオホームページ: National BioResource Project (NBRP) Morning glory
Owning Organization: Resource classification:
Tag (subject) (2):
, Organism
Tag (data type) (4):
, Ontology/Terminology/Nomenclature
, Sequence
, Image/Movie
Species (1):
Ipomoea nil (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 35883)
Overview: National BioResource Project Morning glory collects resources of the Japanese morning glory (Ipomoea nil or Pharbitis nil). Requests for the resources are available by email. genetic data of mutant strains and Ipomoea related species are recorded in a database, and it allows to search strains, gene classes and gene symbols. Users can browse tables of phenotype class, images (seeds, leafs and flower organs), and linkage maps of the Japanese morning glory.
Record maintainer:
Integbio Database Catalog
Record license:
Creative Commons CC0 license
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