Hideo Takioka. On Two Kinds of Clasp-Pass Moves for Knots. Kyungpook Mathematical Journal. 2024. 64. 4. 549-557
Hideo Takioka. $2n$-Moves and the $\Gamma $-Polynomial for Knots. Kyungpook Mathematical Journal. 2024. 64. 3. 511-518
Taizo Kanenobu, Hideo Takioka. $4$-Move distance of knots. Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications. 2022. 31. 9. 2250049 (14 pages)
Hideo Takioka. Infinitely many knots whose Whitehead doubles have the trivial first coefficient Kauffman polynomial. Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications. 2021. 30. 8. 2150054 (14 pages)
Hideo Takioka. Vassiliev knot invariants derived from cable $\Gamma $-polynomials. Topology and its Applications. 2021. 301. Paper No. 107535
Hideo Takioka. A characterization of the $\Gamma$-polynomials of knots with clasp number at most two. Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications. 2017. 26. 4. 1750013 (27 pages)
Hwa Jeong Lee, Hideo Takioka. On the arc index of Kanenobu knots. Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications. 2017. 26. 4. 1750015 (26 pages)