2023 - 2026 Analysis and modeling of liquid-vapor phase change phenomena by measuring the nonequilibrium velocity distribution of evaporating molecules
2022 - 2025 Modeling of radical surface reaction based on experimental analysis for adsorption/recombination/desorption elementary processes
2020 - 2023 Fundamental study for medical and industrial applications of vesicles containing microbubbles
2020 - 2023 Measurement and modeling of evaporation and condensation at the liquid-vapor interface of multicomponent systems
2020 - 2022 長寿命化・高性能化達成のための設計シミュレーターの開発
2020 - 2022 Application of quantum computing to many-body coarse-grained molecular simulations
Clint John Cortes Otic, Shota Katayama, Masazumi Arao, Masashi Matsumoto, Hideto Imai, Ikuya Kinefuchi. Water Condensation in the Nanoscale Pores of Pt/C Catalyst Particles and Its Impact on Catalyst Utilization: A Simulation Based on a Reconstructed Structure from Nanoimaging. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2024. 16. 16. 20375-20390
Keisuke Mizuki, Takuya Mabuchi, Ikuya Kinefuchi, Takashi Tokumasu. Molecular Dynamics Analysis of the Scattering Phenomena of Oxygen Molecules on an Ionomer Surface in Catalyst Layer of Fuel Cell. ECS Transactions. 2023. 112. 4. 361-368
Toshihiro Kaneko, Junpei Ooyama, Maria Ohki, Hiroyuki Kanesaka, Yuta Yoshimoto, Ikuya Kinefuchi. Effect of ionomer swelling and capillary condensation of water on porous characteristics in cathode catalyst layers of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells under humidified conditions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2022. 200. 123491-123491
Tomoki Hori, Takuya Mabuchi, Ikuya Kinefuchi, Takashi Tokumasu. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Scattering and Surface Diffusion of Oxygen Molecules on Ionomers in Catalyst Layers of PEFCs. ECS Transactions. 2022. 109. 9. 95-101
Soichiro Shimotori, Toshihiro Kaneko, Yuta Yoshimoto, Ikuya Kinefuchi, Amer Alizadeh, Wei-Lun Hsu, Hirofumi Daiguji. Evaluation of gas permeability in porous separators for polymer electrolyte fuel cells: CFD simulation based on micro X-ray computed tomography images. arXiv. 2021
堀智紀, 馬渕拓哉, 杵淵郁也, 徳増崇. Oxygen Transport Analysis Considering Surface Diffusion of Ionomer in Catalyst Layer of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell. 燃料電池シンポジウム講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2021. 28th
中内将隆, 馬渕拓哉, 吉本勇太, 金子敏宏, 杵淵郁也, 武内秀樹, 徳増崇. Analysis of Oxygen Transport Resistance in Catalyst Layer of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Based on Molecular Scattering Phenomena. 東北大学流体科学研究所共同利用・共同研究拠点流体科学国際研究教育拠点活動報告書. 2021. 2019 (CD-ROM)
吉本勇太, 杉山颯, 嶋田駿太郎, 金子敏宏, 高木周, 杵淵郁也. Molecular Dynamics Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of Polymer-Fullerene Bulk Heterojunctions. 日本機械学会関東支部総会・講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM). 2021. 27th
Evaluation of the effect of solute molecules at a liquid-vapor interface on evaporation and condensation coefficients of water using molecular dynamics simulations
(The 38th Computational Fluid Dynamics Symposium 2024)
Molecular dynamics analysis of the wettability of binary mixtures of ionic liquids on graphite surfaces
(The 38th Computational Fluid Dynamics Symposium 2024)
A Molecular Dynamics Study on the Structure of the Gas-Liquid Interface in Binary Mixtures of Ionic Liquids
(The 38th Computational Fluid Dynamics Symposium 2024)
Velocity distribution evaluation of evaporating water molecules from a liquid-vapor interface with molecular dynamics simulations
(The 38th Computational Fluid Dynamics Symposium 2024)
Pore-scale effect on evaporation from a porous surface
(77th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS DFD 2024) 2024)
2017/11 - 現在 The University of Tokyo Department of Mechanical Engineering Associate professor
2014/02 - 2017/10 The University of Tokyo Department of Mechanical Engineering Assistant professor
Committee career (3):
2018/04 - 現在 日本流体力学会 ながれ編集委員会 委員
2012/04 - 現在 日本機械学会 流体工学部門 広報委員
2018/04 - 2020/03 日本機械学会 流体工学部門 技術委員会 講習会WG委員
Association Membership(s) (6):
American Physical Society
, The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics
, The Heat Transfer Society of Japan
, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
, The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science