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J-GLOBAL ID:201601014216279446 Update date: Mar. 10, 2025

Uchida Yoshiaki

ウチダ ヨシアキ | Uchida Yoshiaki

Lectures and oral presentations (19)

  • Solvent/OSDA-free synthesis of ZSM-5 zeolite
    (Proceeding of Annual/Fall Meetings of the Japan Petroleum Institute 2017)
  • Formation of HMF from glucose using amorphous titanium dioxide catalyst with high surface area
    (Proceeding of Annual/Fall Meetings of the Japan Petroleum Institute 2016)
  • Development of Zn doped core-shell zeolite catalyst for selective production of <i>p</i>-xylene
    (Proceeding of Annual/Fall Meetings of the Japan Petroleum Institute 2016)
  • PA23 Synthesis and phase transition behaviors of paramagnetic nitroxide radical liquid crystalline compounds containing cyano group
    (Proceedings of Japanese Liquid Crystal Society Annual meeting 2015)
  • PA14 Phase transition behaviors of hydrogen-bonded chiral paramagnetic liquid crystals
    (Proceedings of Japanese Liquid Crystal Society Annual meeting 2015)
  • 2C04 Stabilization of Hyperswollen Lyotropic Lamellar Phase
    (Proceedings of Japanese Liquid Crystal Society Annual meeting 2015)
  • PA57 Rotation control of cholesteric liquid crystalline microcapsules by a needle-like aggregate of magnetic nanoparticles
    (Proceedings of Japanese Liquid Crystal Society Annual meeting 2015)
  • PB44 FDTD Analysis of Light Propagation between Cholesteric Liquid Crystalline Droplets
    (Proceedings of Japanese Liquid Crystal Society Annual meeting 2015)
  • PB13 Design and Synthesis of Low-Temperature Chiral Paramagnetic Liquid Crystals
    (Proceedings of Japanese Liquid Crystal Society Annual meeting 2015)
  • Magnetic circular dichroism of nitroxide radical liquid crystals
    (Proceedings of Japanese Liquid Crystal Society Annual meeting 2014)
  • Synthesis of Nitroxide Radical Liquid Crystals for Novel Magneto-Optical Materials
    (Proceedings of Japanese Liquid Crystal Society Annual meeting 2014)
  • Magnetic response of the magnetite-doped Cholesteric Liquid Crystalline microcapsules
    (Proceedings of Japanese Liquid Crystal Society Annual meeting 2014)
  • PB41 Influence of nanoconfinement on the behavior of ionic liquid crystals
    (Proceedings of Japanese Liquid Crystal Society Annual meeting 2013)
  • PA36 Photonic structures of inorganic porous media filled with cholesteric liquid crystals
    (Proceedings of Japanese Liquid Crystal Society Annual meeting 2013)
  • PA50 Magnetic-field-response in paramagnetic liquid crystals doped with magnetic nanoparticles
    (Proceedings of Japanese Liquid Crystal Society Annual meeting 2013)
  • PA03 Chemiluminescence behavior in cholesteric liquid crystal shell
    (Proceedings of Japanese Liquid Crystal Society Annual meeting 2013)
  • 1a07 Magneto-LC Effects in Hydrogen-bonded Chiral Nitroxide Liquid Crystals
    (Proceedings of Japanese Liquid Crystal Society Annual meeting 2012)
  • 優先富化のメカニズム:対称性の破れ
    (有機結晶部会ニュースレター 2006)
  • Synthesis and Electric/Magnetic Properties of Novel Chiral Organic Radical LCs
    (Proceedings of Japanese Liquid Crystal Society Annual meeting 2006)

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