J-GLOBAL ID:201609016717749495   JST material number (FULL):F1679AAM   JST material number:F1679A

Journal of Japan New Meridian Medicine

JST material number:
JST material number
Identifier of Material (journals)
ISSN (1): 2188-7039
Material type:Proceedings, Print, a
Publication frequency: a
Country of issued:Japan(JPN)
Language (1): Japanese(JA)
JST classification  (1): 医学一般 (GA)
Publisher: 日本新経絡医学会
Publication place:広島
Conference name  (4):
  • 日本新経絡医学会, 5th, 広島, 20150614 -
  • 日本新経絡医学会, 4th, 広島, 20140629 -
  • 日本新経絡医学会, 6th, 広島市, 20160626 -
  • 日本新経絡医学会, 7th, 広島, 20170625 -
JST library information (4)
  • 12():2023   Available
  • 11():2022   Available
  • 10():2021   Available
  • 9():2020   Available

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