2012 - 2015 Improvement of virtual sound localization by reinforcement learning and EEG
2012 - 2015 Brain Computer Interface based on virtual sound image with other modal information
2012 - 2014 事前に運動意図を予測する準備型ブレイン・コンピューター・インターフェース
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Papers (30):
Masaki Yasuhara, Kazumasa Uehara, Takanori Oku, Sachiko Shiotani, Isao Nambu, Shinichi Furuya. Robustness and adaptability of sensorimotor skills in expert piano performance. iScience. 2024. 27. 8
Riki Kimura, Isao Nambu, Rui Fujitsuka, Yoshiko Maruyama, Shohei Yano, Yasuhiro Wada. An auditory brain-computer interface to detect changes in sound pressure level for automatic volume control. Heliyon. 2024. 10. 1
Kenshi Machida, Isao Nambu, Yasuhiro Wada. Transposed Convolution as Alternative Preprocessor for Brain-Computer Interface Using Electroencephalogram. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 2023. 13. 6
Kento Suemitsu, Isao Nambu. Effects of Data Including Visual Presentation and Rest Time on Classification of Motor Imagery of Using Brain-Computer Interface Competition Datasets. IEEE Access. 2023. 11. 59542-59557
Taichi Tanaka, Isao Nambu, Yoshiko Maruyama, Yasuhiro Wada. Sliding-Window Normalization to Improve the Performance of Machine-Learning Models for Real-Time Motion Prediction Using Electromyography. Sensors. 2022. 22. 13
Taichi Tanaka, Isao Nambu, Yoshiko Maruyama, Yasuhiro Wada. Verification of Normalization Method to Improve Usability and Versatility among Users of Applications that Predict Continuous Motion Using Electromyography. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference. 2021. 2021. 178-181
D. Nishiura, I. Nambu, Y. Maruyama, Y. Wada. Improvement of human error prediction accuracy in single-trial analysis of electroencephalogram. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference. 2021. 2021. 6179-6182
Tsubasa Sano, Misaki Takeda, Isao Nambu, Yasuhiro Wada. Relations between Speed-Accuracy Trade-Off and Muscle Synergy in Isometric Contraction Tasks. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS. 2020. 2020-July. 4803-4806
Taichi Tanaka, Isao Nambu, Yasuhiro Wada. Developing a Method to Control an Arm-Assist-Suit by Predicting Arm-Trajectory Using Electromyography. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS. 2020. 2020-July. 4882-4885