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J-GLOBAL ID:201701006092952680   Update date: Mar. 12, 2025

Tanaka Satoru

Tanaka Satoru
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Associate Professor
Papers (18):
  • 松永佳子, 金澤弓子, 田中 聡, 鈴木貢次郎. 土壌改良剤の有無による土壌物理性の違いがスダジイとクスノキ稚樹の成長に及ぼす影響. 樹木医学研究. 2024. 28. 173-180
  • 稲垣 孝, 田中 聡. 高温水処理によるメリケントキンソウ(<i>Soliva sessilis </i>Ruiz & Pav.)の除草効果. 雑草研究. 2024. 69. 3. 104-108
  • Kako Matsunaga, Ryosuke Atsukawa, Peng Xu, Nanako Killmann, Norma G. Medina, Satoru Tanaka, Kojiro Suzuki, Ian D. Rotherham. Distribution of giant trees in the urban areas and western suburbs of Tokyo, Japan. 2023. 45. 4. 290-318
  • TATEISHI Genki, SUZUKI Kojiro, TANAKA Satoru. Relationships between number of Carabus insulicola and soil surface hardness at Hayano Umegaya special conservation green area, Kawasaki city, Japan. Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture. 2023. 86. 5. 627-632
  • Norma G. MEDINA, Nanako KILLMANN, Satoru TANAKA, Kojiro SUZUKI. Response of Native Plant, Ardisia pyramidalis (Cav.) Pers. to Alkaline Soil Condition for Use in Urban Landscape in Manila City, Metro Manila, Philippines. Journal of agriculture science, Tokyo University of Agriculture. 2023. 67. 4. 165-178
MISC (3):
Books (2):
  • 芝草病害の化学的防除2020
    デザインエッグ社 2021 ISBN:9784815029883
  • はかる つくる えがく・そだてる みどりの地域を育む~地域環境科学がわかる本
    東京農業大学出版会 2015 ISBN:9784886944504
Lectures and oral presentations  (11):
  • Influence of soil improvement material and waterlogging on the growth of Castanopsis sieboldii and C. cuspidata
    (The 10th EAFES International Congress 2023)
  • The tendency of plant species identified in the Republic of Djibouti, in East Africa registered in the global biodiversity database
    (The DT XIV International Conference on Arid Land 2021)
  • 東京都立砧公園における秋期の木本及び草本植物の共起関係について
    (日本芝草学会春季大会 2021)
  • シュートを巻く処理がヤブガラシ(<i>Cayratia japonica</i>(Thunb.) Gagn.)の地上部の再生に及ぼす影響
    (日本雑草学会春季大会 2021)
  • コウライシバ(<i>Zoysia matrella </i> Merr.)による塩類集積緩和効果
    (日本沙漠学会 第28回学術大会 2017)
Work history (1):
  • Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of Regional Environment Science, Department of Landscape Architecture Science
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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