J-GLOBAL ID:201701009534615637
Update date: Mar. 11, 2025 Honda Junichi
ホンダ ジュンイチ | Honda Junichi
- Tatsuro Kobayashi, Junichi Honda, Kei Kubochi, Taro Iwasaki, Yusuke Watanabe, Futoshi Komine. Influence of attaching mechanical retentive devices onto frameworks on fracture resistance of implant-supported zirconia crowns. Dental materials journal. 2024
- Keigo Ito, Taro Iwasaki, Jin Kitani, Junichi Honda, Kei Kubochi, Futoshi Komine. Influence of different convergence angles of abutment teeth and cement spaces on internal adaptation of anterior CAD-CAM fixed dental prostheses. Journal of Oral Science. 2024. 66. 1. 55-59
- Futoshi Komine, Mika Furuchi, Junichi Honda, Kei Kubochi, Hiroki Takata. Clinical performance of laminate veneers: A review of the literature. Journal of Prosthodontic Research. 2024
- Daishi Nakase, Kei Kubochi, Jin Kitani, Junichi Honda, Taro Iwasaki, Futoshi Komine. Influence of an internal firing of feldspathic porcelain before or after sintering on adaptation of high-translucent zirconia laminate veneers. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 2023. 148. 106208-106208
- 本田 順一, 窪地 慶, 岩崎 太郎, 高田 宏起, 木谷 仁, 小峰 太. in vivo micro-CT装置を応用したスクリュー固定式インプラント上部構造の内部観察法. 日本口腔インプラント学会誌. 2023. 36. 特別号. P-30
- Ryoki TAKANO, Junichi HONDA, Tatsuro KOBAYASHI, Kei KUBOCHI, Hiroki TAKATA, Futoshi KOMINE. Fracture strength of implant-supported hybrid abutment crowns in premolar region fabricated using different restorative CAD/CAM materials. Dental Materials Journal. 2023. 42. 2. 187-192
- 窪地 慶, 本田 順一, 高田 宏起, 松島 圭佑, 木谷 仁, 恒川 瑞季, 小峰 太. PEEK材に対する表面処理が歯肉色コンポジットレジンとの接着強さに及ぼす影響. 日本口腔インプラント学会誌. 2022. 35. 特別号. P-32
- Futoshi Komine, Junichi Honda, Kosuke Kusaba, Kei Kubochi, Hiroki Takata, Masanori Fujisawa. Clinical outcomes of single crown restorations fabricated with resin-based CAD/CAM materials. J Oral Sci. 2020. 62. 4. 353-355
- Honda J, Komine F, Kusaba K, Kitani J, Matsushima K, Matsumura H. Fracture loads of screw-retained implant-supported zirconia prostheses after thermal and mechanical stress. J Prosthodont Res. 2020. 64. 3. 313-318
- Yuta Moriya, Futoshi Komine, Junichi Honda, Kosuke Kusaba, Jin Kitani, Hideo Matsumura. Effect of Luting Agent Type on Fracture Loads of Implant-Supported Ceramic Premolar Prostheses. Dent Mater J. 2020. 39. 5. 869-876
- Tomohide Kondo, Futoshi Komine, Junichi Honda, Hiroki Takata, Yuta Moriya. Effect of veneering materials on fracture loads of implant-supported zirconia molar fixed dental prostheses. J Prosthodont Res. 2019. 63. 2. 140-144
- Hiroki Takata, Futoshi Komine, Junichi Honda, Markus B. Blatz, Hideo Matsumura. An in vitro evaluation of fracture load of implant-supported zirconia-based prostheses fabricated with different veneer materials. Clinical Oral Implants Research. 2018. 29. 4. 396-403
- Kusaba K, Komine F, Honda J, Kubochi K, Matsumura H. Effect of preparation design on marginal and internal adaptation of translucent zirconia laminate veneers. Eur J Oral Sci. 2018. 126. 6. 507-511
- Junichi Honda, Futoshi Komine, Shingo Kamio, Kohei Taguchi, Markus B. Blatz, Hideo Matsumura. Fracture resistance of implant-supported screw-retained zirconia-based molar restorations. CLINICAL ORAL IMPLANTS RESEARCH. 2017. 28. 9. 1119-1126
- Ryosuke Fushiki, Futoshi Komine, Junichi Honda, Shingo Kamio, Markus B. Blatz, Hideo Matsumura. Long-term Bond Strength Between Layering Indirect Composite Material and Zirconia Coated with Silica-based Ceramics. JOURNAL OF ADHESIVE DENTISTRY. 2015. 17. 3. 273-281
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