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J-GLOBAL ID:201701012379004155   Update date: Mar. 06, 2025

Ishitsuka Etsuo

イシツカ エツオ | Ishitsuka Etsuo
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Quantum beam science
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 2021 - 2024 Design and production of tritium production test modules for irradiation test using High Temperature engineering Test Reactor
  • 2018 - 2021 Study on tritium-production test and design of the Li-loading rod using HTTR for fusion reactors
Papers (54):
  • Ho H. Q., Ishii Toshiaki, Nagasumi Satoru, Ono Masato, Shimazaki Yosuke, Ishitsuka Etsuo, Sawahata Hiroaki, Goto Minoru, Simanullang I. L.*, Fujimoto Nozomu*, et al. Feasibility of using BeO rods as secondary neutron sources in the long-life fuel cycle high-temperature gas-cooled reactor. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 2024. 417. 112795\_1-112795\_6
  • Hideaki Matsuura, Taisei Abe, Kanta Kitagawa, Motomasa Naoi, Hiromi Kawai, Kazunari Katayama, Teppei Otsuka, Minoru Goto, Shigeaki Nakagawa, Etsuo Ishitsuka, et al. T production using a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor for the DEMO fusion reactor: Li rod structure for the initial irradiation test. Fusion Engineering and Design. 2023. 197. 114054-114054
  • Yuki Koga, Hideaki Matsuura, Kazunori Katayama, Teppei Otsuka, Minoru Goto, Shimpei Hamamoto, Etsuo Ishitsuka, Shigeaki Nakagawa, Kenji Tobita, Youji Someya, et al. Loading method of Li rods for tritium production using High-Temperature Gas-Cooled reactor for fusion reactors. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 2023. 415. 112665
  • Irwan Liapto Simanullang, Naoki Nakagawa, Hai Quan Ho, Satoru Nagasumi, Etsuo Ishitsuka, Kazuhiko Iigaki, Nozomu Fujimoto. Evaluation of power distribution calculation of the very high temperature reactor critical assembly (VHTRC) with Monte Carlo MVP3 code. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 2022. 177. 109314-109314
  • Ho H. Q., Ishitsuka Etsuo, Iigaki Kazuhiko. MCNP6 calculation of neutron flux map in the HTTR during normal operation. Recent Contributions to Physics. 2022. 82. 3. 16-20
MISC (73):
  • Ishitsuka Etsuo, Nagasumi Satoru, Hasegawa Toshinari, Kawai Hiromi*, Wakisaka Shinji*, Nagase Sota*, Nakamura Kento*, Yaguchi Hiroki*, Ishii Toshiaki, Nakano Yumi*, et al. Report of summer holiday practical training on 2023. JAEA-Technology 2024-008. 2024. 23
  • 松浦秀明, 川井大海, 北川堪大, 古屋碧海, 片山一成, 大塚哲平, 中川繁昭, 石塚悦男, 飛田健次, 染谷洋二, et al. Study on T production method using high-temperature gas-cooled reactor for fusion reactors~Hydrogen absorption property of Ni-coated Zr sphere~. 日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM). 2024. 2024
  • Ishitsuka Etsuo, Ho H. Q., Kitagawa Kanta*, Fukuda Takahito*, Ito Ryo*, Nemoto Masaya*, Kusunoki Hayato*, Nomura Takuro*, Nagase Sota*, Hashimoto Haruki*, et al. Report of summer holiday practical training on 2022. JAEA-Technology 2023-013. 2023. 19
  • 松浦秀明, 阿部泰成, 北川堪大, 川井大海, 片山一成, 大塚哲平, 後藤実, 中川繁昭, 石塚悦男, 濱本真平, et al. Study on T production using high-temperature gas-cooled reactor for fusion reactors (3) Hydrogen-absorption performance of Ni-coated Zr spheres and preparation of the irradiation test module. 日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM). 2023. 2023
  • 石塚悦男, HO Hai Quan, 島崎洋祐, 中川繁昭, 後藤実, 松浦秀明, 大塚哲平, 片山一成, 飯垣和彦. Study on T production using high-temperature gas-cooled reactor for fusion reactors (4) Feasibility study on irradiation test for tritium production capsule. 日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM). 2023. 2023
Patents (13):
  • 放射線照射装置
  • ラジオアイソトープシートの製造方法
  • 転がり軸受
  • 放射線モリブデンの製造方法と装置
  • 放射性モリブデンの製造方法及び製造装置並びにその方法によって製造されたモリブデン
Lectures and oral presentations  (66):
  • Study of two-dimensional heat transfer analysis model of HTTR vessel cooling system
  • Present status of LOFC (Loss of Forced Cooling) OECD/NEA Joint Project
    (26th Working Group on Analysis and Management of Accidents (WGAMA) Meeting)
  • Analytical evaluation of loss of forced cooling tests using HTTR
  • Study on tritium production using high-temperature gas-cooled reactor for fusion reactors; Structure of the irradiation test module and experimental method
  • High-temperature operation mode of HTTR for hydrogen production facility
    (30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30))
Education (1):
  • - 1986 日本大学大学院 生産工学研究科電気工学専攻 修士課程修了
Professional career (1):
  • Doctor of Engineering (The University of Tokyo)
Association Membership(s) (1):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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