Timothy Wai, Shotaro Saita, Hendrik Nolte, Sebastian Mueller, Tim Koenig, Ricarda Richter-Dennerlein, Hans-Georg Sprenger, Joaquin Madrenas, Mareike Muehlmeister, Ulrich Brandt, et al. The membrane scaffold SLP2 anchors a proteolytic hub in mitochondria containing PARL and the i-AAA protease YME1L. EMBO REPORTS. 2016. 17. 12. 1844-1856
Hanna Mandel, Shotaro Saita, Simon Edvardson, Chaim Jalas, Avraham Shaag, Dorit Goldsher, Euvgeni Vlodavsky, Thomas Langer, Orly Elpeleg. Deficiency of HTRA2/Omi is associated with infantile neurodegeneration and 3-methylglutaconic aciduria. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS. 2016. 53. 10. 690-696