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J-GLOBAL ID:201703005669029306


Applicant, Patent owner:
Agent (3): 稲葉 良幸 ,  大貫 敏史 ,  内藤 和彦
Gazette classification:公開公報
Application number (International application number):2015185913
Publication number (International publication number):2017057185
Application date: Sep. 18, 2015
Publication date: Mar. 23, 2017
Claim (excerpt):
IPC (5):
A61K 31/474 ,  A61P 3/00 ,  A61P 5/14 ,  A61P 37/04 ,  A61P 43/00
FI (5):
A61K31/4745 ,  A61P3/00 ,  A61P5/14 ,  A61P37/04 ,  A61P43/00 111
F-Term (11):
4C086AA01 ,  4C086AA02 ,  4C086CB05 ,  4C086MA01 ,  4C086MA04 ,  4C086NA14 ,  4C086ZA43 ,  4C086ZB09 ,  4C086ZC06 ,  4C086ZC21 ,  4C086ZC41
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Cited by examiner (1)
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