LEE Juhee. Dramaturgy of the Mirror: The Woman's Voice in Murayama Tomoyoshi's tenkō novella Byakuya (White Nights). Modern Japanese Literary Studies. 2018. 98. 0. 178-193
LEE Juhee. Hojo Tamio's Defiance and Reconstruction of Alterity in "Doke Shibai": Comparison with the Representation of Hansen's Disease in Shimaki Kensaku's "Rai". Modern Japanese Literary Studies. 2016. 94. 0. 61-76
Lee Juhee. Representation of the Reformatory of Juvenile Delinquents in Shimizu Hiroshi’s Film Introspection Tower (1941). Trans-Humanities Journal. 2015. 8. 2. 201-233
Tenkō: Cultures of Political Conversion in Transwar Japan
Routledge Taylor & Francis group 2021 ISBN:9780367235796
Lectures and oral presentations (12):
Recording Women Who Record Their Lives: Female Factory Workers As Depicted in Sata Ineko's the Youth in the Machine
(The AAS-in-Asia Conference 2024 2024)
The Beginning of the I-novel discourse in the 1920s’ Japan: Focusing on the Relation with the Rise of Proletarian Literary Movement
(The Twenty-fifth Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ) 2023)
Vamp Acting Wife, Convert Performing Conversion: The Gendered Representations of 'The Crisis of Representation' in Takami Jun's Post-Tenkō Works
(The 30th annual meeting of AJLS (Association for Japanese Literary Studies) 2023)