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Co-authoring Researcher

  • Arafune Koji
    University of Hyogo
    Compound semiconductor growth, Microgravity, Thermal Marangoni convection, Defects and inpurities, silicon, Bulk crystal growth, Functional materials, Thin film growth, Solar cells, Transport phenomena
  • Yoshida Haruhiko
    University of Hyogo Graduate School, of Engineering
    半導体デバイス, 電子物性, Physics of Electronics
  • Wadati Hiroki
    University of Hyogo Graduate School of Science
    放射光科学, 物性物理学

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Article(J-GLOBAL estimation)

Patent(J-GLOBAL estimation)

J-GLOBAL ID:201801000676420400 Update date: Feb. 27, 2025

Hotta Yasushi

Hotta Yasushi

Papers (49)

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