Mami Kanno. Narratives of Translation in Middle English Hagiography [In Japanese]. Narrative and Mobility in Medieval Europe. 2022. 36-50
Mami Kanno. A Hagiographic Compilation of Native Women in the South English Legendaries: Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 779. Late Medieval Devotional Compilations in England, ed. by Marleen Cré, Diana Denissen and Denis Renevey (Turnhout: Brepols). 2020. 215-230
Mami Kanno. Constructing Gender and Locality in Late Medieval England: The Lives of Anglo-Saxon and British Female Saints in the South English Legendaries. King's College London. 2016
Mami Kanno. Saint Æthelthryth of Ely and the Making of a National Saint in a Fifteenth-Century South English Legendary Manuscript. Poetica: An International Journal of Linguistic-Literary Studies. 2015. 83. 93-106
Between Brides and Soldiers of Christ: Lives of Female Saints in the Katherine Group, with Special Reference to their Similarities with Medieval Romance. The Geibun-Kenkyu. 2011. 100. 119-140
Mami Kanno. Representations of Women Readers and their Act of Reading in Instructions for Female Religious in Medieval England. Keio University. 2010
Mami Kanno. Medieval Romance and the Saints’ Lives of the Katherine Group. Durham University. 2010
Mami Kanno. '3e ne beon neauer idel, ah wurchen oðer reden, oþer beon i bonen': Representations of Women Readers and their Acts of Reading in Instructions for Female Religious in Medieval England. 2010. 42. 503-512