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J-GLOBAL ID:201801000945751787 Update date: Sep. 03, 2024

Mizoguchi Makoto

Mizoguchi Makoto

Papers (38)

  • Kase Masataka, Mizoguchi Makoto, Itoh Hajime. Unsteady Aerodynamic Characteristics of Impulsively Started NACA0012 Wing at Low Reynolds Numbers. AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY JAPAN, THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES. 2024. 23. 18-26
  • Makoto Mizoguchi, Hajime Itoh. Effect of Operating Parameters on the Characteristics of Active-Grid-Generated Flows. AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY JAPAN, THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES. 2023. 22. 20-27
  • Masataka Kase, Makoto Mizoguchi, Hajime Itoh. Effect of Turbulence Intensity on Time-Averaged Aerodynamics of NACA0012 Wing at Low Reynolds Numbers. AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, AIAA Paper 2023-2279. 2023
  • 加瀬正尭, 溝口誠, 井籐創. Effect of Turbulence Intensity on Nonlinearity of Aerodynamic Characteristics of NACA0012 Wing at Low Reynolds Numbers. AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY JAPAN, THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES. 2023. 22. 44-50
  • Makoto Mizoguchi, Masataka Kase, Hajime Itoh. A Method for Generating Streamwise Velocity Disturbance in Low-Speed Wind Tunnel. AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY JAPAN, THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES. 2023. 22. 36-43
  • Masataka kase, Makoto Mizoguchi, Hajime Itoh. Influence of Turbulence Intensity on Flow Field Around NACA0012 Wing at Reynolds Number of 20,000. The Proceedings of the 2021 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology (APISAT 2021), Volume 1. APISAT 2021. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 912. 2022. 505-511
  • Masataka Kase, Hoang A. Nguyen, Makoto Mizoguchi, Hajime Itoh. Influence of Turbulence Intensity on Aerodynamic Characteristics of Pitching NACA0012 Wing at Low Reynolds Numbers. AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, AIAA Paper 2022-0705. 2022
  • Hoang Anh Nguyen, Makoto Mizoguchi, Hajime Itoh. Flowfield around NACA0012 Airfoil Undergoing Constant-Pitch-Rate Motion at a Low Reynolds Number. AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY JAPAN, THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES. 2021. 20. 81-90
  • Masataka KASE, Kazuki FUJITA, Shunsuke KODAMA, Makoto MIZOGUCHI, Hajime ITOH. Experimental Investigation of Free-Stream-Turbulence on NACA0012 Wing Aerodynamics at Low Reynolds Numbers. The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan. 2021. 2021. S055-26
  • Makoto MIZOGUCHI, Hoang Anh NGUYEN, Hajime ITOH. Influence of Airfoil Geometry on Aerodynamic Characteristics of Pitching Airfoils at Low Reynolds Numbers. The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan. 2021. 2021. S055-09
  • Hoang Anh NGUYEN, Makoto MIZOGUCHI, Hajime ITOH. Unsteady Aerodynamic Characteristics of NACA0012 Airfoil Undergoing Constant-Pitch-Rate Motions at Low Reynolds Numbers. AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY JAPAN, THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES. 2020. 19. 111-119
  • Nguyen H. Anh, Makoto Mizoguchi, Hajime Itoh. Unsteady Flow Field Around NACA0012 Airfoil Undergoing Constant Pitch Rates at Low Reynolds Numbers. AIAA AVIATION 2020 FORUM, AIAA Paper 2020-3041. 2020
  • Kazuki FUJITA, Makoto MIZOGUCHI, Hajime ITOH. Wind Tunnel Testing of Two-Dimensional Airfoil in Active-Grid-Generated Flows at Low Reynolds Numbers. The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan. 2020. 2020. S05404-S05404
  • Masataka KASE, Makoto MIZOGUCHI, Hajime ITOH. PIV Flow Visualization around Low Aspect Ratio Wing at Low Reynolds Numbers. The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan. 2020. 2020. S05403-S05403
  • H. Itoh, M. Mizoguchi. Potential of Glow-Discharge Flow Measurement in Hypersonic Low-Density Flows. AIAA Journal. 2019
  • Atsushi ASO, Hiroaki TANAKA, Makoto MIZOGUCHI. Application of double cylindrical tube having arbitrary twist distribution to twistable morphing wing and experimental demonstration. Transactions of the JSME. 2019. 85. 878. 1-12
  • H. Itoh, H. Tanabe, M. Mizoguchi. Spectral Measurements in Electrical Discharge Glow Plasma Produced in Hypersonic Separated Flow. AIAA SciTech Forum, AIAA Paper 2019-1504. 2019
  • Hajime Itoh, Makoto Mizoguchi. Method for Visualizing Viscous Interaction in Hypersonic Low-Density Flows Using Electrical Discharge. JOURNAL OF SPACECRAFT AND ROCKETS. 2017. 54. 1. 225-232
  • Makoto Mizoguchi, Yusuke Kajikawa, Hajime Itoh. Aerodynamic Characteristics of Low-Aspect-Ratio Wings with Various Aspect Ratios in Low Reynolds Number Flows. TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES. 2016. 59. 2. 56-63
  • M. Mizoguchi, H. Itoh. Experimental investigation of aspect-ratio-one wing characteristics at low Reynolds numbers. 46th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, AIAA Paper 2016-4341. 2016

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