Yoshihiro Takeda, Fumitaka Mafuné. Rapid mixing of metal atoms ejected in water by pulsed laser ablation of the boundary between jointed Au and Ag target metal plates. Journal of Applied Physics. 2022. 132. 9. 094302-094302
Yoshihiro Takeda, Fumitaka Mafune. Manipulation of protein crystals using a magnetic field by assembling FexOy nanoparticles. BIOINSPIRED BIOMIMETIC AND NANOBIOMATERIALS. 2021. 10. 2. 54-60
Yoshihiro Takeda, Fumitaka Mafuné. Formation of Vanadium Nanoparticles by Laser Ablation in Reductive Aqueous Solution. Chemistry Letters. 2021. 50. 6. 1296-1300
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