J-GLOBAL ID:201801006055952635
Update date: Sep. 30, 2024 MIZUTANI Mizuki
ミズタニ ミズキ | MIZUTANI Mizuki
- Survey of large and medium-sized mammals using camera traps around the Institute of Nature Education in Shiga Heights, Shinshu University : Result of the 2021 survey. 2023. 60. 9-16
- Avoiding interference among females of colonial-nesting common kestrels in northern Nagano Prefecture. 2023. 60. 1-7
- Survey of large and medium-sized mammals using camera traps in the Kayanodaira beech forest of the Institute for Nature Study, Shinshu University : Result of the 2021 survey. 2023. 60. 17-21
- Survey of large and medium-sized mammals using camera traps in the riverhead area of Uonogawa river : Result of the 2021 survey. 2023. 60. 23-27
- TANAHASHI Kan, MIZUTANI Mizuki. Consideration on the effects of ESD practice in elementary and junior high schools: Comparison of children's and students' perceptions of the qualities and abilities nurtured by ESD. Journal of ESD Research. 2022. 5. 30-40
- Mizuki MIZUTANI. Distribution of Fagaceae species, the target of the acorn crop monitoring survey in central Japan. Bulletin of the Institute of Nature Education in Shiga Heights, Shinshu University. 2022. 59. 89-96
- Mizuki MIZUTANI. Survey of large and medium-sized mammals using camera traps in the riverhead area of Uonogawa river : Result of the 2020 survey. Bulletin of the Institute of Nature Education in Shiga Heights, Shinshu University. 2022. 59. 39-43
- Mizuki MIZUTANI. Survey of large and medium-sized mammals using camera traps in the Kayanodaira beech forest of the Institute for Nature Study, Shinshu University : Result of the 2020 survey. Bulletin of the Institute of Nature Education in Shiga Heights, Shinshu University. 2022. 59. 33-37
- Mizuki MIZUTANI. Survey of large and medium-sized mammals using camera traps around the Institute of Nature Education in Shiga Heights, Shinshu University : Result of the 2020 survey. Bulletin of the Institute of Nature Education in Shiga Heights, Shinshu University. 2022. 59. 21-30
- Ken MOTOMURA, Masako SHIGEOKA, Eishi TOKIDA, Takashi FUJII, Satomi MATSUNAGA, Mizuki MIZUTANI. The influence of landscape components on the home range sizes of the common kestrel in Nakano City, Nagano Prefecture. Bulletin of the Institute of Nature Education in Shiga Heights, Shinshu University. 2022. 59. 1-7
- Ken MOTOMURA, Masako SHIGEOKA, Eishi TOKIDA, Takashi FUJII, Satomi MATSUNAGA, Mizuki MIZUTANI. Home range and habitat use by breeding female Common kestrel in Nakano City, Nagano Prefecture. Bulletin of the Institute of Nature Education in Shiga Heights, Shinshu University. 2021. 58. 1-7
- Mizuki MIZUTANI. Survey of large and medium-sized mammals using camera traps around the Institute of Nature Education in Shiga Heights, Shinshu University : result of 2019 survey. Bulletin of the Institute of Nature Education in Shiga Heights, Shinshu University. 2021. 58. 9-17
- Mizuki MIZUTANI. Survey of large and medium-sized mammals using camera traps in the Kayanodaira beech forest of the Institute for Nature Study, Shinshu University : result of 2019 survey. Bulletin of the Institute of Nature Education in Shiga Heights, Shinshu University. 2021. 58. 19-23
- 水谷瑞希. 信州大学カヤノ平ブナ原生林教育園における自動撮影カメラによる中・大型哺乳類相調査:2018年調査の結果. 志賀自然教育研究施設研究業績. 2020. 57. 15-19
- 水谷瑞希. 信州大学志賀自然教育園周辺における自動撮影カメラによる中・大型哺乳類相調査:2018年調査の結果. 志賀自然教育研究施設研究業績. 2020. 57. 9-14-14
- 本村健, 重岡昌子, 常田英士, 藤井幹, 松永聡美, 水谷瑞希. 長野県中野市のチョウゲンボウによる営巣地と餌場の分割利用. 志賀自然教育研究施設研究業績. 2020. 57. 1-8
- 梁瀬桐子, 水谷瑞希, 佐藤貴紀, 荒木田義隆, 松井理生, 高徳佳絵, 才木道雄. ヤマガラとシジュウカラの一腹卵数を制約する要因についての検討. 中部森林研究. 2019. 67. 43-46
- 本村 健, 常田 英士, 藤井 幹, 松永 聡美, 水谷 瑞希. 長野県中野市におけるチョウゲンボウの餌場環境の評価. 志賀自然教育研究施設研究業績. 2019. 56. 1-6
- 水谷 瑞希. 信州大学志賀自然教育園周辺における自動撮影カメラによる中・大型哺乳類相調査:2017年調査の結果. 志賀自然教育研究施設研究業績. 2019. 56. 7-14-14
- 水谷 瑞希. 信州大学カヤノ平ブナ原生林教育園における自動撮影カメラによる中・大型哺乳類相調査:2017年調査の結果. 志賀自然教育研究施設研究業績. 2019. 56. 15-20
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