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J-GLOBAL ID:201801007304063443 Update date: Mar. 07, 2025

Itayama Mayumi

Itayama Mayumi

MISC (9)

  • Mayumi Itayama. Command Authority in the U.S.-Japan Alliance: A Historical Study. Georgetown Journal of Asian Affairs. 2024. 10. 93-101
  • Mayumi Itayama. Book Review: Wataru Yamaguchi, "US-Japan Relations in the Sunset of the Cold War: Comprehensive Security," Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2023. Defense Studies. 2023. 69. 163-168
  • Mayumi Itayama. Book Review "Sengo nihon no kankei shūfuku gaikō: Kokusai seiji riron ni yoru rekishi bunseki (Postwar Japanese Relations Restoration Diplomacy: Historical Analysis Through International Political Theory), by Hiroyuki Fukushima, Kyoto: Minerva Shobo, 2021". Social Science Japan Journal. 2023
  • Mayumi Itayama. Contingency Planning in the U.S.-Japan Alliance. Political Studies. 2023. 14. 169-180
  • Hiroaki Kato, Mayumi Itayama, Takatoshi Oyama, Yasuko Kono. Akio Watanabe (Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo) Oral History. 2021
  • Mayumi Itayama. Report of the UTokyo-Australian National University Strategic Partnership Workshop, "The Frontier of International Relations". Pacific and American Studies. 2020. 20. 198-199
  • Mayumi Itayama. Book review, Yasuhiro Takeda "Nichibei domei no kosuto (Costs of the Japan-U.S. alliance)". The Journal of International Security. 2020. 47. 4. 41-44
  • Mayumi Itayama. Book Review "Hegemony and the US-Japan Alliance by Misato Matsuoka, Abingdon: Routledge, 2018". International Relations of the Asia-Pacific. 2019. 19. 3. 557-559
  • Mayumi Itayama. Book Review "Shakai kagaku to shite no nihon gaikō kenky ū: Riron to rekishi no tōgō wo mezashite (Research on Japanese Diplomacy as Social Science: Toward Integration of Theory and History), by Tsuyoshi Kawasaki. Kyoto: Minerva Shobō, 2015". Social Science Japan Journal. 2018. Winter. 155-158

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