J-GLOBAL ID:201801008652425371
Update date: Jul. 15, 2024 Michihiro Mikamo
Michihiro Mikamo
Research field (2):
Database science
, Perceptual information processing
Research keywords (11):
, Medical Images
, Head Mounted Display
, Tone Mapping Operators
, レンダリング
, Spectral Image
, Image Processing
, Computer Graphics
, Human Color Perception
, Human Visual Perception
, High Dynamic Range Imaging
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 2016 - 2019 Light field construction using projector for multi purposes
- 2014 - 2017 A Method for Displaying HDR Spectral Images Considering Human Visual Perception
- 2011 - 2013 人の視覚特性を考慮したハイダイナミックレンジ画像の表示方法に関する研究
Papers (67): -
Kohei Arai, Michihiro Mikamo, Shunsuke Onishi. Method for Image Quality Evaluation of Satellite-based SAR Data. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. 2023. 14. 7. 119-126
Hiroto Harada, Michihiro Mikamo, Ryo Furukawa, Ryusuke Sagawa, Hiroshi Kawasaki. Generalization of Pixel-wise Phase Estimation by CNN and Improvement of Phase-unwrapping by MRF Optimization for One-shot 3D Scan. 18th International Conference on Machine Vision Applications. 2023
Ryo Furukawa, Michihiro Mikamo, Ryusuke Sagawa, Yuki Okamoto, Shiro Oka, Shinji Tanaka, Hiroshi Kawasaki. Multi-frame optimisation for active stereo with inverse renderingto obtain consistent shape and projector-camera posesfor 3D endoscopic system. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization. 2022. 1-9
Ryo Furukawa, Michihiro,Mikamo ,Ryusuke Sagawa, Yuki Okamoto, Shiro Oka, Shinji Tanaka, Hiroshi Kawasaki. Optimized depth fusion of multiple measurements by 3D endoscope based on active stereo technique. The joint 16th AE-CAI, 9th CARE and 5th OR 2.0 workshop on MICCAI 2022. 2022
Michihiro Mikamo, Ryo Furukawa, Shiro Oka, Takahiro Kotachi, Yuki Okamoto, Shinji Tanaka, Ryusuke Sagawa, Hiroshi Kawasaki. 3D endoscope system with AR display superimposing dense and wide-angle-of-view 3D points obtained by using micro pattern projector. 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). 2022
more... MISC (5): Patents (1): Education (2): - 2011 - 2014 Hiroshima University Graduate School of Engineering Ph.D. Candidate
- 2009 - 2011 Hiroshima University Graduate School of Engineering Master course
Professional career (1): Work history (5): - 2020/04 - 2022/03 Hiroshima City University Graduate School of Information Sciences Department of Intelligent Systems
- 2015/04 - 2020/03 Kagoshima University Graduate Schoool of Science and Engineering assistant professor
- 2014/03 - 2015/03 Hiroshima University Graduate School of Engineering Postdoctral Researcher
- 2011/04 - 2014/03 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC1)
- 2011/04 - 2014/03 Hiroshima University Graduate School of Engineering Ph. D in Engineering
Awards (7): - 2019/03 - 情報処理学会九州支部 情報処理学会九州支部奨励賞 安価な機材により構成される全方位HDRタイムラプス画像取得システム
- 2018/12 - The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers Excellent Research Presentation Award
- 2016/07 - ACM Symposium on Applied Perception Best posters Binocular Tone Reproduction Display for an HDR Panorama Image
- 2014/10 - IEVC2014 Excellent Paper Award IEVC2014 Excellent Paper Award Displaying Compressed HDR Spectral Images Using A Direct Tristimulus Value Conversion and Dynamic Range Compression
- 2014/03 - 広島大学大学院工学研究科 工学部・工学研究科学生表彰
- 2012/08 - The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers Excellent Student Presentation Award
- 2010/06 - 広島大学 Hiroshima University Excellent Student Scholarship
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Association Membership(s) (2):
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