- Yoshiharu Nagai
国際医療福祉大学 福岡保健医療学部 理学療法学科
動作解析, 理学療法, 運動学
- Oka Shinichiro
Reiwa Health Sciences University Department of Physical Therapy, School of Rehabilitation
Motor development, Cordination, Somato-autonomic nerve reflex, Neurorehabilitation, transcranial electorical stimulation, Sensory Reweighting, Postural Control, Vestibular function
- Takano Yoshio
International University of Health and Welfare School of Health Sciences at FukuokaDepartment of Physical Therapy
運動科学, 地域リハビリテーション, 生活環境支援, 腰痛, 疼痛, 電気刺激療法, 宇宙医学, 高齢者理学療法, 理学療法