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J-GLOBAL ID:201801010136640155 Update date: Feb. 25, 2025

Naoki Aizu

アイヅ ナオキ | Naoki Aizu

Papers (27)

  • 姚 潤宏, 山田 晃司, 井澤 翔, 鬼頭 巧, 澤田 浩秀, 千原 猛, 会津 直樹, 岩田 大輝, 西井 一宏. Theta振動刺激法によるFNDC5/Irisin誘発とマウス記憶機能維持の関係の解析. Dementia Japan. 2024. 38. 4. 729-729
  • 会津 直樹, Yao Runhong, 鬼頭 巧, 西井 一宏, 山田 晃司. 糖尿病患者の足部の身体特異性注意の低下 身体特異性注意と身体活動量との関係. 日本糖尿病理学療法学雑誌. 2024. 4. Suppl. 51-51
  • 井澤 翔, 西井 一宏, 会津 直樹, 鬼頭 巧, 岩田 大輝, 千原 猛, 澤田 浩秀, 山田 晃司. 振盪刺激による運動が老化に伴う記憶力の低下を緩和する可能性について. 愛知県理学療法学会誌. 2024. 36. 特別号. np1-np1
  • Runhong Yao, Kouji Yamada, Sho Izawa, Takumi Kito, Hirohide Sawada, Takeshi Chihara, Naoki Aizu, Daiki Iwata, Kazuhiro Nishii. FNDC5/irisin mediates the protective effects of Innovative theta-shaking exercise on mouse memory. Heliyon. 2024. 10. 8. e29090-e29090
  • Sho Izawa, Kazuhiro Nishii, Naoki Aizu, Takumi Kito, Daiki Iwata, Takeshi Chihara, Hirohide Sawada, Runhong Yao, Kouji Yamada. Effects of Aerobic Exercise and Resistance Training on Cognitive Function: Comparative Study Based on FNDC5/Irisin/BDNF Pathway. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders. 2024. 53. 6. 329-337
  • Jun Shimizu, Naoki Aizu, Yuki Murase, Kouji Yamada. Elucidation of suicide judgment signals and improvement of predic- tion accuracy based on new mathematical analysis of vowels in Japanese. International Journal of Japanese nursing care practice and study. 2023. 1. 12. 1-12
  • Tetsuro Watari, Kei Ohtsuka, Yukari Suzuki, Fumihiro Matsuda, Soichiro Koyama, Naoki Aizu, Yoshikiyo Kanada, Hiroaki Sakurai. Effects of online frame-of-reference training on assessment accuracy in the objective structured clinical examination for physical therapy students. Fujita medical journal. 2023. 9. 4. 288-294
  • Naoki Aizu, Tamami Sudo, Yutaka Oouchida, Shin-Ichi Izumi. Facilitation of imitative movement in patients with chronic hemiplegia triggered by illusory ownership. Scientific reports. 2023. 13. 1. 16143-16143
  • Daiki Iwata, Kouji Yamada, Takeshi Chihara, Hirohide Sawada, Takumi Kito, Naoki Aizu, Yao Runhong, Sho Izawa, Kazuhiro Nishii. Exercise through Shaking Stimuli Suppresses Cancer Growth via the Wnt pathway in ApcMin/+ Mice. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2023. 24. 3. 873-879
  • Sho Izawa, Kouji Yamada, Runhong Yao, Naoki Aizu, Takumi Kito, Daiki Iwata, Takeshi Chihara, Hirohide Sawada, Kazuhiro Nishii. Exercise by Shaking Alleviates the Decline in Memory due to Aging: A Study in Mice. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders. 2022. 1-7
  • Kazuhiro Nishii, Naoki Aizu, Kouji Yamada. Review of the health-promoting effects of exercise and the involvement of myokines. Fujita Medical Journal. 2022. 1-8
  • Runhong Yao, Kouji Yamada, Takumi Kito, Naoki Aizu, Daiki Iwata, Sho Izawa, Kazuhiro Nishii, Hirohide Sawada, Takeshi Chihara. Novel shaking exercises for hippocampal and medial prefrontal cortex functioning maintain spatial working memory. Experimental gerontology. 2022. 171. 112024-112024
  • Naoki Aizu, Yutaka Oouchida, Kouji Yamada, Kazuhiro Nishii, Shin-Ichi Izumi. Author Correction: Use-dependent increase in attention to the prosthetic foot in patients with lower limb amputation. Scientific reports. 2022. 12. 1. 13272-13272
  • Naoki Aizu, Yutaka Oouchida, Kouji Yamada, Kazuhiro Nishii, Izumi Shin-Ichi. Use-dependent increase in attention to the prosthetic foot in patients with lower limb amputation. Scientific reports. 2022. 12. 1. 12624-12624
  • Ryoji Otaki, Yutaka Oouchida, Naoki Aizu, Tamami Sudo, Hiroshi Sasahara, Yuki Saito, Sunao Takemura, Shin-Ichi Izumi. Relationship Between Body-Specific Attention to a Paretic Limb and Real-World Arm Use in Stroke Patients: A Longitudinal Study. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 2022. 15. 1-15
  • Naoki Aizu, Ryoji Otaki, Kazuhiro Nishii, Takumi Kito, Runhong Yao, Kenya Uemura, Shin-Ichi Izumi, Kouji Yamada. Body-Specific Attention to the Hands and Feet in Healthy Adults. Frontiers in systems neuroscience. 2022. 15. 1-10
  • 小玉 岳, 会津 直樹, 佐藤 房郎. 化学放射線療法中の進行がん患者に対する骨格筋電気刺激の使用経験. 東北理学療法学. 2021. 33. 75-81
  • Runhong Yao, Kazuhiro Nishii, Naoki Aizu, Takumi Kito, Kazuyoshi Sakai, Kouji Yamada. Maintenance of the Amygdala-Hippocampal Circuit Function with Safe and Feasible Shaking Exercise Therapy in SAMP-10 Mice. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra. 2021. 11. 2. 114-121
  • Sato Y, Oouchida Y, Abe G, Aizu N, Suzuki E, Nagai M, Mori T, Izumi SI. Research ArticleOpen AccessThe Comparison between the Effect of Action Observation and that of Bimanual Movement in Chronic Hemiplegi. Journal of Neurology and Neurological Disorders. 2021. 7. 1
  • 酒井 一由, 西井 一宏, 安倍 雅人, 加藤 好光, 尾之内 高慶, 会津 直樹, 刑部 恵介, 日比谷 信, 山田 晃司, 秋山 秀彦, et al. 臨床検査技師養成課程における人体解剖実習の有用性の検討. 臨床検査学教育. 2020. 12. 2. 151-157

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