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J-GLOBAL ID:201801010328090620   Update date: Feb. 01, 2024


イシクラ ミズエ | ISHIKURA Mizue
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Sociology of education
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 2019 - 2022 若者文化の中で再生産されるジェンダー・ストーリー -チェコと日本の比較-
  • 2016 - 2019 チェコにおける高等教育機会とジェンダーバイアス:女性の上昇を阻害する要因
  • 2011 - 2014 Construction of the qualitative indicators for typology of private higher education institutions in Czech Republic
Papers (17):
  • ISHIKURA Mizue. Consideration on the gender bias in the department of technology in Czech Universities. Bulletin of Ishikawa Prefecutral Unigersity. 2020. 3. 109-117
  • Mizue ISHIKURA. Consideration on the life-courses of female researchers in Czech Republic. Bulletin of Ishikawa Prefectural University. 2019. 2. 87-96
  • ISHIKURA Mizue. Consideration on the gender differential with which Czech female researchers are surrounded:Focusing on merits and demerits of socialism. Ishikawa Prefectural University Annual Report. 2016. 2016. 0. 59-67
  • Ishikura Mizue. Formation and the deployment of the Industry-university-government collaboration in Czech higher education:In the case of the public regional universities and the private colleges. Ishikawa Prefectural University Annual Report. 2015. 2014. 0. 35-45
  • 石倉 瑞恵. The Pluralistic Reform of Czech Higher Education : The Impact of Private Colleges which Contribute to the Regional and Human Development. 比較教育学研究 = Comparative education : bulletin of the Japan Comparative Education Society. 2015. 51. 63-84
MISC (4):
  • Ishikura Mizue. A Consideration on the Way and the Environment Adequate for the Infants' Physical Playing : From the Viewpoint of the Mental and the Physical Development. Journal of Nagoya Women's University. Humanities・social science. 2009. 55. 21-33
  • Mizue Ishikura. Child-Care Environment for Enhancing the Qualifications of Juvenile Period -To Solve the Educational Diseases of Today. Bulletin of Okazaki Women's Junior College. 2007. 40. 45-54
  • 石倉 瑞恵. チェコの高等教育改革と私立大学の誕生 (今月のテーマ 世界の大学はいま(欧米編)). 現代の高等教育. 2004. 458. 55-59
  • 石倉 瑞恵. チェコにおける高等教育の多様化 (教育制度国外最前線情報). 教育制度学研究. 2001. 8. 308-313
Lectures and oral presentations  (9):
  • 女子大学生のジェンダー形成プロセス-若者文化を通して再生産される女性の役割-
    (日本教育学会第79回大会 2020)
  • The impact of girl’s culture on future study careers in Czech Republic and Japan
    (World Education Research Association 2019)
  • チェコの大学における自然科学部のジェンダー的偏向
    (日本高等教育学会第22回大会 2019)
  • チェコにおける女性研究者のジェンダー認識とキャリア形成
    (日本比較教育学会第54回大会 2018)
  • ジェンダーから見たチェコ高等教育の現状と課題 -女性研究者の周縁性を中心に-
    (日本比較教育学会第53回大会 2017)
Work history (1):
  • 2013/04 - 現在 Ishikawa Prefectural University Faculty of bioresources and environmental scicences associate professor
Association Membership(s) (1):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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