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J-GLOBAL ID:201801010555117977 Update date: Mar. 16, 2025

Akita Hironaga

Akita Hironaga

Papers (51)

  • Characterization of low pH and inhibitor tolerance capacity of Candida krusei strains. 2025. 11. 3. 146 (12 pages)
  • Hironaga Akita, Akinori Matsushika. A short review of second-generation isobutanol production by SHF and SSF. Applied Biosciences. 2024. 3. 296-309
  • Utilization of seawater for isobutanol production. 2024. 5. 27-31
  • Inhibitor tolerance capacity of Pichia kudriavzevii NBRC1279 and NBRC1664. 2024. 10. 7. 331 (12 pages)
  • Simultaneous Saccharification, Fermentation for Isobutanol, Production from Banana Peel. Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation for isobutanol production from banana peel. 2024. 10. 3. 161 (13 pages)
  • Hironaga Akita, Yoshiki Shinto, Zen-ichiro Kimura. Isolation, draft genome sequence, and identification of Paenibacillus glycanilyticus subsp. hiroshimensis CCS26. Journal of Genomics. 2023. 11. 48-51
  • Hironaga Akita, Yoshiki Shinto, Zen-ichiro Kimura. Isolation and draft genome sequence of Paenibacillus sp. CCS19. Journal of Genomics. 2023. 11. 45-47
  • Hironaga Akita, Akinori Matsushika. Transcription analysis of the acid tolerance mechanism of Pichia kudriavzevii NBRC1279 and NBRC1664. Fermentation. 2023. 9. 6. 559 (12 pages)
  • Hironaga Akita, Yoshiki Shinto, Zen-ichiro Kimura. Analysis of the Bacterial Community of Metal Scrap Using an Enrichment Culture Approach. Applied Biosciences. 2023. 2. 1. 23-30
  • Bacterial community analysis of biofilm formed on metal joint. 2022. 1. 2. 221-228
  • Tomohiko Matsuzawa, Masahiro Watanabe, Yusuke Nakamichi, Hironaga Akita, Katsuro Yaoi. Structural basis for the mechanism of action in glycoside hydrolase family 3 isoprimeverose-producing oligoxyloglucan hydrolase. FEBS Letters. 2022. 596. 15. 1944-1954
  • Tomohiko Matsuzawa, Masahiro Watanabe, Yusuke Nakamichi, Hironaga Akita, Katsuro Yaoi. Crystal structure of metagenomic β-glycosidase MeBglD2 in complex with various saccharides. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2022. 106. 12. 4539-4551
  • Hironaga Akita, Akio Kumagai. Biosorption of palladium using Enterobacter oligotrophicus CCA6T. Salt and Seawater Science & Technology. 2021. 2. 19-21
  • Hironaga Akita, Yuya Itoiri, Noriyo Takeda, Zen-ichiro Kimura, Hiroyuki Inoue, Akinori Matsushika. Draft genome sequence of Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae CCI2 isolated from leaf soil. Microbiology Resource Announcements. 2021. 10. 25. e00343-21. (2 pages)
  • Hironaga Akita, Tetsuya Goshima, Toshihiro Suzuki, Yuya Itoiri, Zen-ichiro Kimura, Akinori Matsushika. Application of Pichia kudriavzevii NBRC1279 and NBRC1664 to Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation for Bioethanol Production. Fermentation. 2021. 7. 2. 83 (14 pages)
  • Hironaga Akita, Mohd Zulkhairi Mohd Yusoff, Shinji Fujimoto. Preparation of oil palm empty fruit bunch hydrolysate. Fermentation. 2021. 7. 2. 81 (9 pages)
  • Paenibacillus glycanilyticus subsp. hiroshimensis subsp. nov., isolated from leaf soil collected in Japan. Archives of Microbiology. 2021. 203. 4. 1787-1793
  • Hironaga Akita, Yuya Itoiri, Noriyo Takeda, Zen-ichiro Kimura, Akinori Matsushika. Draft genome sequence of Enterobacter oligotrophicus CCA3 isolated from leaf soil. Microbiology Resource Announcements. 2021. 10. 4. e01289-20. (2 pages)
  • Yuki Iwasaki, Yuya Itoiri, Sota Ihara, Hironaga Akita, Mamoru Oshiki, Zen-ichiro Kimura. Draft genome sequence of Enterobacter sp. AS-1, a potential eurytrophic recombination host. Journal of Genomics. 2021. 9. 6-9
  • Hironaga Akita, Yuya Itoiri, Noriyo Takeda, Zen-ichiro Kimura, Hiroyuki Inoue, Akinori Matsushika. Isolation, draft genome sequencing and identification of Enterobacter roggenkampii CCI9. Journal of Genomics. 2021. 9. 1-5

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