Yu Ito, Yuki Tamura, Yukiko Saito, Hiroshi Ikeda, Kyong-Sook Chung, Hyoung-Tak Im, Keshab Raj Rajbhandari, Tian-Chuan Hsu, Okihito Yano. Cryptic intraspecific diversity of a polyploid complex of Abildgaardia ovata (Cyperaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution. 2024
Yu Ito, Norio Tanaka. Phylogeny of Alisma (Alismataceae) revisited: implications for polyploid evolution and species delimitation. Journal of Plant Research. 2023. 136. 5. 613-629
Yu Ito, Shrirang R. Yadav, Yuan Shiun Chang, Shuichiro Tagane, Pan Li, Tetsuo Ohi-Toma. Molecular species delimitation reveals underestimated diversity in the tree genus Nothapodytes (Icacinaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution. 2022. 308. 1. 3
Syou Kato, Jiro Tanaka, Norio Tanaka, Jun Yokoyama, Yu Ito, Yoichiro Fujiwara, Atsushi Higa, Shingo Kobayashi, Makoto M. Watanabe, Hidetoshi Sakayama. New distributional records, taxonomy, morphology, and genetic variations of the endangered brackish-water species Lamprothamnium succinctum (Charales: Charophyceae) in Japan. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity. 2020
Yu Ito, Norio Tanaka, Anders S. Barfod, Robert B. Kaul, A. Muthama Muasya, Pablo Garcia-Murillo, Natasha De Vere, Brigitta E. E. Duyfjes, Dirk C. Albach. From terrestrial to aquatic habitats and back again: molecular insights into the evolution and phylogeny of Callitriche (Plantaginaceae). BOTANICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY. 2017. 184. 1. 46-58
Yu Ito, Norio Tanaka, Stephan W. Gale, Okihito Yano, Jie Li. Phylogeny of Najas (Hydrocharitaceae) revisited: Implications for systematics and evolution. TAXON. 2017. 66. 2. 309-323
Yu Ito, Tetsuo Ohi-Toma, Chiara Nepi, Annalisa Santangelo, Adriano Stinca, Norio Tanaka, Jin Murata. Towards a better understanding of the Ruppia maritima complex (Ruppiaceae): Notes on the correct application and typification of the names R-cirrhosa and R-spiralis. TAXON. 2017. 66. 1. 167-171
Ito, Y. Taxonomic notes on the genus Najas (Hydrocharitaceae) in Thailand: Addition of N. major and exclusion of N. minor. Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany). 2016. 44. 2