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Brunotte Josh

Brunotte Josh

Papers (21)

  • Anqi Hu, Josh Brunotte. Vicarious Contact and the Effects on English as a Foreign Language Attitudes and Intercultural Communication Apprehension in Japanese University Students. Thailand TESOL Conference Proceedings 2024. 2024. 43. 37-52
  • Josh Brunotte. Reducing public speaking anxiety in university students through therapeutic and technology-based interventions. MindBrainEd Journal - The JALT Mind, Brain and Education SIG. 2023. 4. 5-35
  • Chris Wyle, Yumiko Kataoka, Josh Brunotte. Teacher and Student Perspectives of Online Learning During the COVID Pandemic. The Journal of the School of Foreign Studies (Language and Literature) - Aichi Prefectural University. 2023. 55. 143-161
  • Josh Brunotte, Jiro Takai. Imaginal and virtual reality-based public speaking practice for communicating with intercultural audiences. Intercultural Communication Studies. 2022. 31. 2. 6-28
  • Josh Brunotte. Be in this classroom now: Teaching mindfulness from a scientific perspective. MindBrainEd Think Tank+ - Bulletin of the JALT Mind, Brain, and Education SIG. 2021. 7. 11. 25-32
  • Josh Brunotte. Introducing cognition and emotion connections through cognitive behavioral therapy. MindBrainEd Think Tank+ - Bulletin of the JALT Mind, Brain, and Education SIG. 2021. 7. 6. 34-43
  • Josh Brunotte. 長谷川葉子(著) The Routledge course in Japanese translation (2012) [BOOK REVIEW]. Kotoba no Sekai (Institute of Interpreting and Translation, Aichi Prefectural University). 2021. 13. 103-108
  • Josh Brunotte. Reducing study abroad pre-departure anxiety through smartphone and VR-based tasks. The Journal of the Faculty of Foreign Studies (Language and Literature) - Aichi Prefectural University. 2020. 52. 265-281
  • Josh Brunotte, Chris Hastings. Reducing study abroad anxiety through smartphone virtual reality: An investigative pilot study. Ryugaku: Explorations in Study Abroad. 2019. 12. 1. 2-24
  • Josh Brunotte. Task-based language teaching in second language acquisition research: The implications for TBLT application in Japan. The Journal of the Faculty of Foreign Studies (Language and Literature) - Aichi Prefectural University. 2019. 51. 211-228
  • Josh Brunotte. Varieties of anxieties: The multifaceted nature of students’ worries in the classroom. MindBrainEd Think Tank+ - Bulletin of the JALT Mind, Brain, and Education SIG. 2019. 5. 2. 20-23
  • Josh Brunotte. Motivating better sleep habits in students: Are grades enough?. MindBrainEd Think Tank+ - Bulletin of the JALT Mind, Brain, and Education SIG. 2018. 4. 1. 3-5
  • Josh Brunotte. Eliciting spoken output from English language learners through podcast recording. The Journal of the Faculty of Foreign Studies, Aichi Prefectural University. 2018. 50. 281-289
  • Josh Brunotte, Deborah Broadby. Sleep quality of Japanese university students and the implications for cognitive function. The Mind Brain Ed Journal - The JALT, Mind, Brain and Education SIG. 2018. 1. 1. 14-26
  • Deborah Broadby, Josh Brunotte. Hydration habits of tertiary-level Japanese EFL students and the potential effects on academic success. Bulletin of Nagoya College. 2017. 55. 55. 169-175
  • Mehrasa Alizadeh, Josh Brunotte, Chris Hastings, Eric Hawkinson, Parisa Mehran. Mixed, augmented, virtual realities (MAVR) SIG: Significance and potential contribution. The Language Teacher. 2017. 41. 5. 49-50
  • Chris Hastings, Josh Brunotte. Total immersion: VR headsets in language learning. The 2016 PanSIG Journal, G. Brooks (Ed.). 2017. 101-110
  • Josh Brunotte, Deborah Broadby. Student sleep patterns and learning outcomes. The 2016 PanSIG Journal, G. Brooks (Ed.). 2017. 18-24
  • Josh Brunotte. Increasing student motivation to produce verbal output in the Japanese EFL classroom. Journal of the School of Liberal Arts. 2012. 4. 11-19
  • Josh Brunotte. The 2012 JALT National Conference in Hamamatsu City, Japan. OnCUE Journal. 2012. 6. 3. 62-66

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