Alvin Sanjaya, Ryo Nishijima, Yuki Fujii, Makoto Asano, Kotaro Ishii, Yusuke Kazama, Tomoko Abe, Makoto T. Fujiwara. Rare occurrence of cryptic 5’ splice sites by downstream 3’ splice site/exon boundary mutations in a heavy-ion-induced egy1-4 allele of Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2024. 15
Makoto T Fujiwara, Yasushi Yoshioka, Yusuke Kazama, Tomonari Hirano, Yasuo Niwa, Takashi Moriyama, Naoki Sato, Tomoko Abe, Shigeo Yoshida, Ryuuichi D Itoh. Principles of amyloplast replication in the ovule integuments of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology. 2024
Kotaro Ishii, Yusuke Kazama, Tomonari Hirano, Jeffrey A Fawcett, Muneo Sato, Masami Yokota Hirai, Fujiko Sakai, Yuki Shirakawa, Sumie Ohbu, Tomoko Abe. Genomic view of heavy-ion-induced deletions associated with distribution of essential genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in plant science. 2024. 15. 1352564-1352564
Alvin Sanjaya, Taiki Kobayashi, Ryo Nishijima, Harue Shinoyama, Yusuke Kazama. Developmental differences between hermaphrodite and female-like flowers in a non-model horticultural plant Dianthus hybrida. CYTOLOGIA. 2023. 88. 3. 265-272
Yusuke Kazama, Taiki Kobayashi, Dmitry A. Filatov. Evolution of sex-determination in dioecious plants: From active Y to X/A balance?. BioEssays. 2023. 45. 11. 2300111
Mayuzumi T., Hatashita M., Takagi K., Ishii K., Abe T., Kazama Y. Identification of chromosomal region responsible for the phenotype of the novel torenia mutant frilly petal undulation 1. RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep. 2025. 57. 118-118
Kazama Y, Kitoh M, Kobayashi T, Ishii K, Krasovec M, Yasui Y, Abe T, Kawano S, Filatov DA. Identification of a sex determining gene in a dioecious plant Silene latifolia. RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep. 2024. 56. S39
Sanjaya A, Fujii Y, Asano M, Abe T, Kazama Y, Fujiwara M. Analysis of splicing patterns in Arabidopsis egy1-4 carrying argon-induced mutations in the intron3 -exon4 region. RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep. 2024. 56. 190
Kobayashi T, Takahashi M, Nishijima R, Sugiyama R, Ishii K, Abe T, Kawano S, Kazama Y. Method of chromosome observation in the dioecious plant Silene latifolia. RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report. 2022. 55. 169
Sanjaya A, Muramatsu R, Sato S, Suzuki M, Sasaki S, Ishikawa H, Fujiii Y, Asano M, Itoh R, Kanamaru K, et al. Argon-ion-induced mutations in Arabidopsis EGY1 gene affect chloroplast development in leaf guard cells. RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report. 2022. 55. S30
2021/04 - 現在 Fukui Prefectural University Faculty of Biotechnology Department of Bioscience Professor
2019/04 - 2021/03 Fukui Prefectural University Faculty of Biotechnology Department of Bioscience, Department of Biotechnology Department of Bioscience Associate Proffessor
2018/05 - 2019/03 RIKEN Plant Genome Evolution Research Team, Nishina Center Team Leader
2014/04 - 2018/05 RIKEN Ion beam breeding team, Nishina Center Contract researcher
2012/04 - 2014/03 RIKEN Ion beam breeding team, Inovation center Researcher
2009/04 - 2012/03 RIKEN Radiation Biology Team, Nishina Center Special Postdoctral fellwow
2024/10 - The Genetics Society of Japan 96th Best Paper (BP) Award Effects of partial chromosomal duplication and deletion on gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana
2024/09 - Japanese Society of Plant Morphology Hirase Award
2024/02 - Fukui Prefecture Fukui Prefecture Science and Academic Award
2023/03 - Japanese Society of Breeding the Japanese Society of Breeding Award Development of Breeding technology using heavy-ion irradiation
2018/12 - 農学中手の会 中手の中の中手賞
2017/09 - The Botanical Society of Japan BSJ Encouragement Prize
2014/05 - Japanese Society of Breeding Best presentation award at 125th meeting of the Japanese society of breeding Heavy-ion induced chromosomal rearrangements revealed by a whole genome resequencing
2013/11 - Japanese Society of Breeding Best presentation award at 124th meeting of the Japanese society of breeding Construction of Silene latifolia Y-deletion map by adapting traveling salesman problem.
2013/07 - Japanese Society of Breeding Best presentation award at 123rd meeting of the Japanese society of breeding Development of disruptant lines of tandemly arrayed genes using (high-LET) heavy-ion beam in Arabidopsis thaliana.
2013/04 - RIKEN RIKEN Research and Technology Incentive Awards Development of the new gene disruption technique by the precise control of LETs of swift heavy ion beams
2009/09 - The Botanical Society of Japan BSJ Young Botanist Prize Sex chromosomes and sex expression system in the dioecious plant Silene latifolia
2008/09 - Japanese Society of Plant Morphology Japanese society of plant morphology awards for young scientist Sex expression system of the dioecious plant Silene latifolia
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