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J-GLOBAL ID:201801018947327156 Update date: Feb. 23, 2025

Endo Yuki

エンドウ ユウキ | Endo Yuki

Papers (169)

  • Shunsuke Ikuma, Jun Akatsuka, Hikaru Mikami, Kotaro Obayashi, Yuki Endo, Hayato Takeda, Go Kimura, Yukihiro Kondo. Association between combination of VI-RADS based on T2WI and morphological features and pathological outcome and prognosis in bladder cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2025. 43. 5_suppl. 690-690
  • Hayato Takeda, Jun Akatsuka, Tomonari Kiriyama, Yuka Toyama, Yasushi Numata, Hiromu Morikawa, Kotaro Tsutsumi, Mami Takadate, Hiroya Hasegawa, Hikaru Mikami, et al. Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer Prediction Using Multimodal Deep Learning with Prostate-Specific Antigen Restriction. Current Oncology. 2024. 31. 11. 7180-7189
  • S. Ikuma, J. Akatsuka, H. Takeda, Y. Endo, T. Hamasaki, G. Kimura, Y. Kondo. O11 The quantification of morphological features of bladder cancer could improve diagnostic performance of VI-RADS and correlated to pathological features. European Urology Open Science. 2024. 69. 394-394
  • Masato Yanagi, Tomonari Kiriyama, Jun Akatsuka, Yuki Endo, Yuka Toyama, Go Kimura, Taiji Nishimura, Yukihiro Kondo. Role of collateral vessels on contrast-enhanced computed tomography in predicting metastatic potential for small renal cell carcinoma. Discover oncology. 2024. 15. 1. 523-523
  • S. Ikuma, J. Akatsuka, Y. Endo, H. Takeda, G. Kimura, Y. Kondo. 2004P The combination of high levels of serum cytokeratin fragment 21-1 and VI-RADS≧4 has diagnostic and prognostic value in high-stage bladder cancer. Annals of Oncology. 2024. 35. S1158-S1158
  • Masato Yanagi, Tomonari Kiriyama, Jun Akatsuka, Yuki Endo, Hayato Takeda, Tsutomu Hamasaki, Taiji Nishimura, Yukihiro Kondo. Preoperative analysis of factors associated with prolonged pneumoretroperitoneum time during retroperitoneal laparoscopic nephroureterectomy for upper tract urothelial carcinoma. BMC urology. 2024. 24. 1. 155-155
  • 武田 隼人, 木村 剛, 岸 帆奈海, 谷内 真美, 舩門 良太, 長谷川 裕也, 三神 晃, 大林 康太郎, 赤塚 純, 遠藤 勇気, et al. 転移性腎細胞癌におけるLDHアイソザイムの予後予測の有用性について. 腎癌研究会会報. 2024. 54. 37-37
  • 武田 隼人, 木村 剛, 谷内 真美, 船門 良太, 長谷川 裕也, 三神 晃, 赤塚 純, 遠藤 勇気, 戸山 友香, 近藤 幸尋. 転移性腎細胞癌におけるLDHアイソザイムの予後との関連. 腎癌研究会会報. 2024. 54. 92-92
  • 谷内 真美, 木村 剛, 武田 隼人, 船門 良太, 長谷川 祐也, 三神 晃, 柳 雅人, 赤塚 純, 遠藤 勇気, 戸山 友香, et al. 淡明細胞型腎細胞癌に類似した画像パターンを示した腎原発グロムス腫瘍の1例. 腎癌研究会会報. 2024. 54. 95-95
  • 武田 隼人, 木村 剛, 岸 帆奈海, 谷内 真美, 舩門 良太, 長谷川 裕也, 三神 晃, 大林 康太郎, 赤塚 純, 遠藤 勇気, et al. 転移性腎細胞癌におけるLDHアイソザイムの予後予測の有用性について. 腎癌研究会会報. 2024. 54. 37-37
  • 武田 隼人, 木村 剛, 谷内 真美, 船門 良太, 長谷川 裕也, 三神 晃, 赤塚 純, 遠藤 勇気, 戸山 友香, 近藤 幸尋. 転移性腎細胞癌におけるLDHアイソザイムの予後との関連. 腎癌研究会会報. 2024. 54. 92-92
  • 谷内 真美, 木村 剛, 武田 隼人, 船門 良太, 長谷川 祐也, 三神 晃, 柳 雅人, 赤塚 純, 遠藤 勇気, 戸山 友香, et al. 淡明細胞型腎細胞癌に類似した画像パターンを示した腎原発グロムス腫瘍の1例. 腎癌研究会会報. 2024. 54. 95-95
  • Yoshihiko Ogata, Jun Akatsuka, Yuki Endo, Hikaru Mikami, Masato Yanagi, Hayato Takeda, Yuka Toyama, Yoichiro Yamamoto, Go Kimura, Yukihiro Kondo. Index tumor location affected early biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy in patients with negative surgical margin: a retrospective study. BMC Urology. 2024. 24. 1
  • Hikaru Mikami, Syunya Noguchi, Jun Akatsuka, Hiroya Hasegawa, Kotaro Obayashi, Hayato Takeda, Yuki Endo, Yuka Toyama, Hiroyuki Takei, Go Kimura, et al. snRNAs from Radical Prostatectomy Specimens Have the Potential to Serve as Prognostic Factors for Clinical Recurrence after Biochemical Recurrence in Patients with High-Risk Prostate Cancer. Cancers. 2024. 16. 9. 1757-1757
  • Shunsuke Ikuma, Jun Akatsuka, Hayato Takeda, Yuki Endo, Tomonari Kiriyama, Tsutomu Hamasaki, Go Kimura, Yukihiro Kondo. Determining the clinicopathological significance of the VI-RADS ≧4 group: a retrospective study. BMC urology. 2024. 24. 1. 63-63
  • Yuki Endo, Jun Akatsuka, Hayato Takeda, Hiroya Hasegawa, Masato Yanagi, Yuka Toyama, Hikaru Mikami, Mikio Shibasaki, Go Kimura, Yukihiro Kondo. Real-World Insights into Efficacy and Safety of Enfortumab Vedotin in Japanese Patients with Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma: Findings, Considerations, and Future Directions. Current oncology (Toronto, Ont.). 2024. 31. 2. 759-768
  • Jun Akatsuka, Go Kimura, Mami Takadate, Sayuri Hiraoka, Tomoko Sahara, Takuma Iwai, Hiroya Hasegawa, Hikaru Mikami, Kotaro Obayashi, Hayato Takeda, et al. The Current Status of Comprehensive Genomic Profiling in the Management of Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer: A Study from a Cooperative Hospital for Cancer Genomic Medicine in Japan. Journal of Nippon Medical School = Nippon Ika Daigaku zasshi. 2024. 91. 5. 472-479
  • Masato Yanagi, Tsutomu Hamasaki, Tetsuro Sekine, Jun Akatsuka, Yuki Endo, Hayato Takeda, Taiji Nishimura, Yukihiro Kondo. Preoperative Risk Factor Analysis of Prolonged Retroperitoneoscopic Radical Nephrectomy. Journal of Nippon Medical School = Nippon Ika Daigaku zasshi. 2024. 91. 4. 377-382
  • Hiroya Hasegawa, Jun Akatsuka, Shogo Imai, Yuki Endo, Masato Yanagi, Hayato Takeda, Tatsuya Inoue, Yuka Toyama, Go Kimura, Yukihiro Kondo. A case of renal abscess mimicking metastatic lesion in a patient with lung carcinosarcoma. Journal of Nippon Medical School = Nippon Ika Daigaku zasshi. 2023
  • 大林 康太郎, 赤塚 純, 柴崎 幹生, 長谷川 弘也, 三神 晃, 遠藤 勇気, 武田 隼人, 戸山 友香, 木村 剛, 近藤 幸尋. Hinotoriサージカルロボットシステムを用いた腹腔鏡下前立腺全摘除術の初期治療成績. 日本泌尿器内視鏡・ロボティクス学会総会. 2023. 37回. P-3

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