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J-GLOBAL ID:201802210921418598   Reference number:18A1052246

Removal Efficacy of a Complex-Type Chlorine-Based Disinfectant Cleaner against Feline calicivirus Attached to Hard Surfaces

Author (5):
Volume: 46  Issue:Page: 235-239  Publication year: Jun. 10, 2018 
JST Material Number: G0816B  ISSN: 2187-431X  CODEN: JSAABO  Document type: Article
Article type: 短報  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Sterilization methods 
Reference (15):
  • Chemaly, RF., Simmons, S., Dale, C. Jr., Ghantoji, SS., Rodriguez, M., Gubb, J., Stachowiak, J., and Stibich, M. (2014) The role of the healthcare environment in the spread of multidrug-resistant organisms: update on current best practices for containment. Ther Adv Infect Dis. 2 (3-4) , 79-90.
  • Weber, DJ., Anderson, D., and Rutala, WA. (2013) The role of the surface environment in healthcare-associated infections. Curr Opin Infect Dis. 26, 338-344.
  • Gastmeier, P., Stamm-Balderjahn, S., Hansen, S., Nitzschke-Tiemann, F., Zuschneid, I., Groneberg, K., et al. (2005) How outbreaks can contribute to prevention of nosocomial infection analysis of 1,022 outbreaks. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol, 26, 357-361.
  • Peter, F. M. Teunis., Christine, L. Moe, Pengbo, Liu., Sara, E. Miller., Lisa, Lindesmith., et al. (2008) Norwalk Virus How Infectious is It?, Journal of Medical Virology. 80, 1468-1476.
  • 小林寛伊.新版増補版消毒と滅菌のガイドライン.(2015) へるす出版.

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