Activity record of the former Fourth High School Kendo Club in Japan : From the memories of Nanka-party (2024)
Philosophy of Kendo, Martial Arts and Sports (2023)
A study of Kendo Shinpan Method with one-arm II -Focusing on the Diversity of Budo and Lifelong-kendo- (2023)
Body-mind Coalescence as an Extension of Entities and the Environment - Does expanded monism philosophy purported in Budo lead to true diversity and inclusion? - (The 2020 Yokohama Sport Conference Organised Symposia G-(9) 2020)
Olympism and Budo (Kano’s Philosophy): Fusion of the Philosophy of Budo and Peace (The 2020 Yokohama Sport Conference Organised Symposia A-(2) 2020)
Embodiment and Enactivism of Mushin : from the training and self cultivation of martial arts (The 42nd annual meeting for Japan Society for the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 2020)
The Free-Flowing Water of Bruce Lee and the Zanshin of Kondo: A Reflection on the Philosophies of Chinese and Japanese Martial Arts (2019)
Mushin and Kendo - an analysis of Yasuo Yuasa's Shugyo-theory (IAPS国際スポーツ哲学会 (Kyoto, Japan) 2019)
Minds in Skilled Performance (Australasian Society for Philosophy and Psychology 2018)
残心Zan-shin in Japanese Kendo and 存心Jon-shim in Korean Kumdo -A Comparative Assessment as Heart-mind and Skills- (the 9th International Conference on Comparative Studies of Mind (ICCSM)(韓国・中央大學校) 2018)
Mushin and Kendo -An analysis of Daisetz Suzuki's 'Mushin'- (IAPS国際スポーツ哲学会 (ノルウェー・オスロ) 2018)