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J-GLOBAL ID:201901006933088689 Update date: Sep. 07, 2024

Bito Seiji

ビトウ セイジ | Bito Seiji

Papers (51)

  • Masashi Tanaka, Shinji Matsumura, Seiji Bito. Roles and Competencies of Doctors in Artificial Intelligence Implementation: Qualitative Analysis Through Physician Interviews. JMIR formative research. 2023. 7. e46020
  • Atsushi Asai, Taketoshi Okita, Seiji Bito. Discussions on Present Japanese Psychocultural-Social Tendencies as Obstacles to Clinical Shared Decision-Making in Japan. Asian bioethics review. 2022. 14. 2. 133-150
  • Atsushi Asai, Taketoshi Okita, Masashi Tanaka, Seiji Bito, Motoki Ohnishi. Physician use of the phrase “due to old age” to address complaints of elderly symptoms in Japanese medical settings: The merits and drawbacks. Clinical Ethics. 2022. 17. 1. 14-21
  • Shinji Matsumura, Makiko Ozaki, Tetsuya Kanno, Tomomi Iioka, Seiji Bito. Essential information for transition of care for frail elderly patients in Japan: A qualitative study. Journal of general and family medicine. 2022. 23. 1. 24-30
  • Masashi Tanaka, Seiji Bito, Aya Enzo, Takethoshi Okita, Asai Atsushi. Cross-sectional survey of surrogate decision-making in Japanese medical practice. BMC Medical Ethics. 2021. 22. 1
  • 浅井 篤, 大北 全俊, 尾藤 誠司. 共同意思決定過程において患者が注意した方がよい点についての考察. CBEL Report. 2021. 4. 1. 15-28
  • Atsushi Asai, Taketoshi Okita, Motoki Ohnishi, Seiji Bito. Should We Aim to Create a Perfect Healthy Utopia? Discussions of Ethical Issues Surrounding the World of Project Itoh's Harmony. Science and engineering ethics. 2020. 26. 6. 3249-3270
  • 浅井篤, 田中雅之, 大北全俊, 尾藤誠司, 大西基喜, 門岡康弘. ポリファーマシーの要因と対策に関する倫理的考察. CBEL Report (Web). 2020. 3. 1. 18-29
  • 内倉 淑男, 鄭 東孝, 青木 泰子, 福島 龍貴, 尾藤 誠司, 本田 美和子, 森 伸晃, 片山 充哉, 山田 康博, 吉田 心慈. 救急医療の推進とキャリア形成 救急医が総合内科研修を行う意義 自身の研修内容より. 国立病院総合医学会講演抄録集. 2018. 72回. 75-75
  • 芹澤 直紀, 斯波 智也, 山森 有夏, 江口 忠志, 河口 謙二郎, 吉田 心慈, 田中 雅之, 片山 充哉, 山田 康博, 森 伸晃, et al. 総合医療と救急医療 心不全診療における総合診療的アプローチの意義. 国立病院総合医学会講演抄録集. 2018. 72回. 1391-1391
  • 松村 真司, 飯岡 緒美, 小崎 真規子, 菅野 哲也, 新森 加奈子, 尾藤 誠司. 脆弱高齢者のケア移行時における診療情報提供書フォーマットの開発. 日本在宅医学会大会. 2018. 20回. 189-189
  • Nobuaki Mori, Yoshio Kamimura, Yuki Kimura, Shoko Hirose, Yasuko Aoki, Seiji Bito. Comparative analysis of lactic acidosis induced by linezolid and vancomycin therapy using cohort and case-control studies of incidence and associated risk factors. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 2018. 74. 4. 405-411
  • 林 智史, 林 哲朗, 森川 日出男, 山田 康博, 森 伸晃, 福島 龍貴, 尾藤 誠司, 本田 美和子, 鄭 東孝. 総合内科宛て依頼箋からみる病院総合医の機能について. 国立病院総合医学会講演抄録集. 2017. 71回. 350-350
  • Shinichi Takenoshita, Kyoko Nomura, Sachiko Ohde, Gautam A. Deshpande, Haruka Sakamoto, Honami Yoshida, Kevin Urayama, Seiji Bito, Yasushi Ishida, Takuro Shimbo, et al. Having a Mentor or a Doctoral Degree Is Helpful for Mid-Career Physicians to Publish Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals. TOHOKU JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE. 2016. 239. 4. 325-331
  • Bito S, Miyata S, Migita K. Mechanical prophylaxis is a heparin-independent risk for anti-platelet factor 4/heparin antibody formation after orthopedic surgery. Blood. 2015. 127. 8. 1036-1043
  • Seiji Bito, Tetsuo Yamamoto, Harumi Tominaga. Prospective Cohort Study Comparing the Effects of Different Artificial Nutrition Methods on Long-Term Survival in the Elderly: Japan Assessment Study on Procedures and Outcomes of Artificial Nutrition (JAPOAN). JOURNAL OF PARENTERAL AND ENTERAL NUTRITION. 2015. 39. 4. 456-464
  • Bito S. For Attending Physicians; Seeking to Understand the Diversity of Medicine; Diversity in medicine and value based practice. Nihon Naika Gakkai Zasshi. 2014. 103. 11. 2829-34
  • 田中 雅之, 森 伸晃, 青木 泰子, 鄭 東孝, 本田 美和子, 尾藤 誠司. フルオロキノロン系抗菌薬に低感受性を示したパラチフス菌血症2例の検討. 日本化学療法学会雑誌. 2014. 62. Suppl.A. 382-382
  • Bito S, Matsumura S, Kotani K, Fukuhara S. Effectiveness of Gatekeepers in Determining the Appropriate Use of Brain MRI/MRA Tests. International journal of family medicine. 2014. 2014. 67195-670915
  • Yasuhiro Kadooka, Atushi Asai, Miki Fukuyama, Seiji Bito. A comparative survey on potentially futile treatments between Japanese nurses and laypeople. Nursing Ethics. 2014. 21. 1. 64-75

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